Hello, it’s me
I was wondering if after all these years months you’d like to meet
To go over everything…
They say that time’s supposed to heal teach ya, but but I ain’t done much healing studying
Hello from the outside great northwest, ie. Canada
hola, bonjour, guten tag, salve, nǐ hǎo, asalaam alaikum, olá, konnichiwa, anyoung haseyo, zdravstvuyte, namaste, xin chào, shalom! from memory
I’ve been a lurker on this forum and the arch wiki/bbs for months. I’ve finally made the decision to create an account in order to learn more by asking questions… Questions… I haven’t asked previously since I was worried of looking, well, too inexperienced, or better yet, silly/dumb/stupid, as a lot of the answers to other users’ questions (elsewhere - cough /spoiler/ arch bbs /spoiler/ cough) sometimes seem passive aggressive and/or being talked down.
I’d like to advance in my social and personal development skills through this, possibly help out if I have reliable information to share in upcoming future (or past) users posts, comment, etc w/ insightful replies/references/experiences. At some point in time, hopefully I may be in a position to able to provide contributions as I grow and be part of this community - where I feel at safe and at home; sort of speaking.
Some of the forums posted questions/solutions that interest me are:
- How would I manually install Endeavour with BTRFS with partitions - solution by @dalto (thank you, I have a couple questions in the near future, which I’ll address in that thread perhaps)
- A Complete Idiot’s Guide To Endeavour OS Maintenance / Update / Upgrade - by @fbodymechanic (thanks btw)
- Share your alias AND/OR function - great thread, thanks to everyone that took the time comment there!
Discovery / Wiki - lots of awesome articles, some seem dated and I’d definitely like to help out if possible in the future with suggestions or PR’s for updating a few things to help others learn. E.g. How to install virt-manager complete edition in reference to:
- [arch-dev-public] News draft: QEMU >= 7.0.0 may need manual intervention ( ref )
- Qemu >> qemu-desktop: looks like quite a big change
- NVME/SSD emulation - maybe helpful for some for utilizing newer tech? (not passthrough)
On another note, this one annoyance has ( really ) grinned my gears and so it is now my current personal life goal; i.e., Discovering a solution for how to salvage a drawer stashed with brand new usb flash drives from the last couple years. All were used for trying out different Linux distributions. Some were fine after to reuse ( and are not in that… well, where things go to die drawer, as I call it “the drawer of death” ). While others were not. For some reason I can’t seem to sudo wipefs --all /dev/sdX
the ISO 9660 file system signature, re-partition, and reformat. I’ll do a bit more research and try a few more times before posting my question in the appropriate category.
In case you’ve made it this far, i.e., to the end of my [ hour and a half long ] self introductory “Hello” wall-post and are curious - “well… who the heck is this user: @coldweathersux” - I’ve put a rather delightful write-up on my profile’s about me section.
Oh, annddd… Let me assure you, my username checks out ( that is, if you do read on plus check out my profile’s
about me
A heartfelt THANK YOU and SINCEREST APPRECIATION shout out going to all the volunteers, contributors, developers, and users who helped make this forum, the OS, and the community into what it is today!
From the guy
who really dislikes
cold weather!
Hello, can you hear me?
I’m in California Canada dreaming about who we used to be not having a week+ long late February cold snap again
When we were I was younger and free seasonal weather was normal
I’ve forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet made summer into flood/fire/smoke season, and winter cold snaps weren’t in late February
Ooh (lows, lows, lows, lows), anymore
(Highs, highs, highs, highs)
Apologies for the numerous edits – grammar mistakes, missing few things, added links to referenced material, learning markdown as I go, forgot new line endings (using standard notes to write this in then copy / pasting it here), forgot to thank the community, cool emoji’s to spice things up and add a closing.