everything we do and say can and will be used against us in a court of some kind eventually. Corporations are feeding us our desires as they know them to be based upon the info that we consume and this will be out undoing as we all become bubbleized and eventually incapable of relating to anyone whose opinion exists from outside our own bubble… eventually society will completely collapse into a hard right fascist religios state where religious and well as other freedoms will be suspended and the pope will decide everything for us. See Hegelian dialectal thinking on a web search for an understanding of how the process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis works. also this is not directed at you personally i’m just chimimg in. At that point we will all find ourselves charged with crimes based upon that data. I’ll not say more lest i am regarded as a conspiracy theorist, which i am not.
Let’s say…You still have some chance by using Whonix to buy toilet paper with burner phone and pay for it with Monero, then wait couple of hours when courier dropped box on some random parking lot you’ve pin dropped, before picking it up…
I have never used one but i was just wondering if anyone was. I support Mozilla and use Firefox so i would most likely use theirs if i were to use a VPN.
I’ve been using it for just over a month, and it is definitely solid. I was disappointed that they only offered a .deb file and claimed to only support Ubuntu, but someone quickly made an AUR package.
One would think Mozilla would have released a Linux client for all distros but nothing surprises me these days.
If you’re using VPN for something even remotely more serious, than torrents - it is EXTREMELY bad idea to use VPN provided by your browser (Mozilla VPN / Opera VPN) or e-mail client (Proton VPN).
It’s best to decouple any connections that you have to software / services that you’re using.
Compartmentalization is the king