What games are you playing?

I love playing mind games. You say something and I turn it around. :crazy_face:

Steam linux games i have it also , motorsport manager , and some other titles try to buy titles for linux, further Megaglest 0ad and ltris, notpacman, mari0 and aislerot patience :slight_smile:

Wreckfest is great; it is also actually a very competent racer, not just gimmick. Which is what makes it great.

Project Warlock.



Instead of Deus Ex, I decided to run through System Shock 2 instead. It was the first game that really drew me into its world. I would sit in my barracks room with the lights out and play it. I was drawn so far into the world doing this. When the girlfriend I had at the time wanted to talk to me, I jumped to the ceiling and told her, “Shhhh, they will hear you!” :smile:

Here is a fun review of it. Done by Yahtzee Croshaw on Zero Punctuation.


That’s the spirit! :rofl:


I am currently leveling a new character with my cousin in retail wow. Even-though it is not the game anymore that I fell in love with, they did a good job with the latest game overhaul. New players have a level 1-10 tutorial zone and after that they can pick a expansion where to go from level 10 to 50.

I still got to give credit to Activision’s art team. Game looks good.

But for me, after we are done leveling, most of my time will be in Classic WoW.

Just started Horizon Zero Dawn taking advantage of the new proton.

So, how’s the game itself?
I’ve heard very mixed reviews :upside_down_face:

I’m surprised you’ve seen mixed reviews… It’s pretty amasing and most reviews said that.

If you’re on the fence and like that type of game I cannot recommend it enough.

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Sorry, i haven’t mentioned that by reviews i mean not press, but friends and just random people :laughing:

Well, cool, maybe i’ll check it out too :slight_smile:

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Played it on PS4 back in the day…
It’s actually one of the few games I actually finished, so that certainly says something :slight_smile:


F1 2020
FiFa 21
Mafia III
(all on xbox)

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I don’t use Steam or Lutris either, but do run one or two things using Wine. All I can think otherwise is GOG. I don’t use it anymore myself, after the forum changes/facebook tracking brought in a bit more, plus I’d pretty much bought all the good stuff anyway, lol, but it definitely has plenty of linux games the last time I looked.


Thanks, but this is just from the rain into the fire …

If you mean privacy-wise, I agree, but your post didn’t say anything specifically about that, just that you wanted native linux games, so I thought it was worth a shot.


Isn’t GOG another platform, similar to Steam?

Not really, you can just download Setup files and have it as your property. Plus it’s DRM-free
Install however you want, in Wine it’s best way to have a game without all that…crap :slight_smile:

Oh i forgot for a moment you’re talking about native, pretty sure it’s the same deal, but i haven’t tested


sounds good :slight_smile:

Ideally I load a game from the repos or AUR and it runs (like Supertuxkart). Without additional crap.

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