What application have you recently discovered?

Cool project, but without Nvida card only Cpu transcoding, it took 15 Minutes for 3 pages for transcoding.The result is not really bad but for German language not a really good to “hear” output.

This is so cool, I can see @smokey has already seen it. I just wish I could make my splash last longer, my laptop boots too quickly!

This does it! - Disable splash and add this script to autostart:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

mpv --fs --background-color="#0c0f10" ~/.local/share/plasma/look-and-feel/LightbulbSplash3DEndeavour/contents/splash/lightbulb-endeavour.webm

Now I need more coffee :smiley:


Using Firefox with local models like ollama

While seeing Orbit (for Firefox) by Mozilla it reminds me to mention:

It’s a really neat FF plugin if you already run ollama on your system. You can run it as a single page UI to just access local ollama. Or you can install additional models to query the web. Or you can make it aware of the current web page and ask about it in the sidebar.


:sunglasses: Cool! Had no idea that this glances app has been lurking on my EOS/i3wm setups 'lo these years.

Since I have no current key binding using super+g at this time, I think I’ll create that connection in my i3 config file to see if I can remember to work this into my normal usage (instead of trying to remember to type htop)

Many thanks for this new knowledge. Learning as I go thanks to this great thread. :+1:


It was kind of interesting when I found it. The only reason I found it was because at some point I went through all the installed packages one by one and looked them up in the Arch package repository to see what they were, I found this and typed it to see what would happen after reading the brief description of it and then all this useful information appeared, I had no idea it existed otherwise.

If you drag the sides to make it wider the CPU and memory will show a little percentage bar along with the numbers, it doesn’t show on my one as I have the window quite small but more information can be shown when the window is larger. But I ended up finding it useful to see a piece of all live information at a glance.

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I’ve come across Kando which is similar to the Fly-Pie
extension in Gnome. Tested in Hyprland. It’s enjoyable for some users I think.
(There was a Hungarian engineer – Kálmán Kandó – in the previous century who was
the inventor of phase converter and a pioneer in the development of AC electric railway traction)

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Wikiman. Available in the standard Arch repos.

You can install it both with another package, arch-wiki-docs and that way browse ArchWiki offline if you need to. Plus, it also supports man pages.


I just tried Reflector-Simple. And sure enough, it’s soooo much simpler!


Not really an application but a useful website to showcase all the unique and different ways to use FFmpeg.


Hey chooms :smiling_face:
I’m using Gnome these days and I’m really enjoying Ghostty terminal.
Ghostty Website
Ghostty Github
It’s really easy to configure using the Ghostty Config web tool. Simply configure it then export to your system.
Ghostty Config


Yeah we have a thread about it

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Ahhh I missed that, thanks man. :ok_hand:

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Grayjay Desktop. Haven’t actually used it yet, but I have used the Android app, and it works pretty well for YouTube, Odysee, Kick, PeerTube, and SoundCloud. Didn’t check the others, but I’m hoping the Linux version works well too.


EDIT #1: Yep. Works just as well, and has PiP. One app to rule them all.
EDIT #2: Lies! All Kick videos are failing to even show in the feed. Not that I use Kick anyway. Disabled. Just like that. :wink:

PS #1: If anyone decides to test it out and enable their official plugins, it’s a good idea to immediately search for creators you like, as the Home feed is overwhelmingly political right now. If it weren’t for the SoundCloud plugin, I’d see 90% politics. :eyes:

PS #2: It’s in Alpha, so maybe that’s why Kick has issues. Also, it seems to have some keyboard shortcuts that will trigger playing a random video in your feed, so while searching, it may cause issues. Playback is great, though.


Are you using the AUR -bin package ? Didn’t tried yet but the comments seem to indicate that the package don’t work :thinking:

Downloaded directly from their site. There’s a Linux ZIP folder with a binary.


Ah! Should have click on the link… :sweat_smile:

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Any advantages in comparison to freetube (beside the fact that freetube is YT-only, that is)?

No, that’s the main advantage at the moment.

It turned out to be just as buggy (it’s in alpha, after all).
You can’t copy a link to a video/audio yet, or it’s not obvious how to do so.
You can’t really customise the theme (not a big deal, though).
And it’s source available, not open source.

At least you can download media and “subscribe” to your favourite creators.
Oh, and you can create groups, like groups of users for individual feeds.
— This could be big for someone.

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Skins Firefox with the third party GNOME theme

Really like the OLED black variant.


also available in AUR. For those who don’t want to use flatpaks.

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