lowfi is a tiny rust app that serves a single purpose: play lofi. It’ll do this as simply as it can: no albums, no ads, just lofi.
Sounds good, but too immature in my opinion. Installation and ui has a long way to go. But looks promising.
Okay, I changed my mind - the devs are totally nuts. If you provide a web ui, and the only way to change creds for this ui is to fiddle around with an api, than this is… a POS. This is like “how to do it not”… yay -R solves.
Daniel Micay warns actively to not use Futo Apps. His reasons are “not open source” snd “far to much permissions”. He suggests heli board as replacement for the ASOP one.
I have the FUTO keyboard installed the only permission I have given it is the microphone and only allowed while I’m using it so not sure how that is too many permissions.
I’ve been using this for a while, pretty good and the offline voice to text works pretty good too.
Whoever that is has a bias of sorts.
But yes, FUTO apps are source available rather than open source. But I’m sure even in the Linux world, the majority of us use at least one proprietary app, especially in the browser and/or communications category. At least we can see the source, though we can’t fork it.
That said: I also use HeliBoard and Transcribro rather than FUTO Voice and Keyboard.
Permissions you give differs from permission you ask.
Don’t misunderstand me here: I am just sharing information that otherwise may be unrecognized. Daniel Micay is a zealot and sometimes even toxic in his social manners. But he knows his stuff, better than anyone else I know - he is a true believer. Everything he says must be taken with a grain (a HUGE grain, for my part) of salt, but nonetheless he is more often right than wrong.
I don’t use Futo apps because of two reasons: If you go open source go with a valid license or don’t call yourself open source. And if you have two Futo applications installed together, one has network permissions and the other does not and you open the one without network permissions it is generating network traffic via the app with the permission. Many app vendors do this, it is within the ASOP development stuff as a switch to enable exactly this, and this is super shady. As soon as I observed this (was a very early version of immich and keyboard) I uninstalled both. What is a real shame, because immich is super cool.
So, again: I do not suggest to do or not do, I just give information to be able to make a more informed decision. Never go my way, always go yours!
Daniel Micay is the reason GrapheneOS exists. He is VERY much opinionated, very aggressive in his social manners, get’s toxic every other weak and as a coder and creator of GrapheneOS a paranoid by trade. Very strange human being. I don’t like him at all, but I admire his work.
I use heliboard on my GrapheneOS.
I have to admit I didn’t even read the article properly. Actually just copied it from gnulinux.ch. Shame on me
I’ve tried it. It works pretty well, but it is still early in development. Two things that were pretty annoying to me when I used:
- I had to disable GBoard entirely since I had spell checking and, as far as I saw, this doesn’t really have spell checking;
- I use Bitwarden on my phone and their popup on mobile comes on the keyboard. It was often when I wanted to get the popup but it wouldn’t come on because this keyboard just didn’t display it for some reason.
Hi there. I have receantly discovered one little and powerfull app for instaling packages. It is a pacseek.
Welcome to the pacseek party, it’s a great app.
Currently using https://github.com/NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager BUT i love/hate it… Lots of issues last year, slow update when said issues are fixed upstream(PRs on gh) and dependency hell thanks to python robust ecosystem
Probably finally ditch npm
I’m currently trying the new kid in the bloc: pangolin.
Testing for the moment with 2 vm, the first one pango, the other with some services with docker. Lots of method for auth: account/password, one time via mail, totp, ip, vpn. All the feature of npm and more like vpn (wireguard). Its pretty good for the moment.
Playing with a new Firestick on my dumb TV.
Using gnome-network-displays
to mirror from EndeavourOS KDE Wayland to the TV without any issues.
Indeed stirling pdf has a lot of interesting features. I downloaded stirling-pdf-bin from AUR. I failed to launch it. I see it has a systemd service. How to use it? Thanks for any help.
Is that screen shot yours? Dead can dance is amazing and under-rated.
ollama. Love having LLM locally instead of using the web.