What application have you recently discovered?

I will give this a check, I have been thinking about using a terminal based music player for a while. some look pretty good.


Yes, my screenshot. And I agree, they are pretty great.

app for backing up KDE settings. I don’t know if this is the best option to do this?

I’ve seen konsave - https://github.com/Prayag2/konsave, but not sure if it works for latest Plasma 6? what do people use?

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I just recently discovered the terminal emulator kitty

Amazing. I am spending a lot of time in the terminal and this is actually the best terminal I have seen so far. I do not want to miss it anymore.

There is a good video on this webpage showing some core features of kitty.


My go-to terminal. I’ve been using Kitty for a loooooong time.

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I tried ghostty, recently, it is good, but doesn’t play nicely with my emacs config, if I enable Ctrl+c to copy. Works fine in kitty with map Ctrl+C copy_or_interrupt

I use KDE. After trying out a bunch like kitty, alacritty, wezterm etc I still think the default Konsole is just as good for 99% of users, and its certainly far far better than the default on Gnome or other DEs. It has all the features the others have.


If you liked Mull browser from DivestOS on your Android, here is a fork since Divest is discontinued


konsole is good, and at the end of the day, a terminal is a terminal. I like kitty, not for speed, but for some of the bells & whistles, like the ssh kitten:

I can change the colour, to make sure I don’t completely screw up, and take it from me, I can :rofl:

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Exactly. What I like the most is:

  • opening files with just a mouse click on the filename. That even works through an ssh session. Very nice.
  • opening the output of the last command in the text viewer with Cntrl-Shift-G. I love it.
  • move split windows with simple shortcuts left, right, up, down
  • displaying pictures directly in the terminal. No external viewer needed. Nice!

i’ve installed kitty before , but for the life of me couldn’t get it to open ?
thought it would be straight forward…click on it and it opens , but noooo
must do some research i quess lol

It should start like that. What happens if you open your regular terminal window and type “kitty” ?

Have you tried saying “Here kitty, kitty” to your computer? :grinning_cat:


i did that but can’t remember what it said, if anything. Didn’t open though
I’ll reinstall it again and check whats up

i said something to that effect , but in my afrikaans language … :rofl:
also didn’t work


Starship Prompt is awesome.
It took me some time to get used to it and configure it to my liking, but so far can’t complain. Simple and minimal by default, powerful when needed.


I really love starship. This is how mine looks

EDIT: How do you get those colors in first part?

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You mean the directory colours? They can be adjusted via “style” variable, like that:
style = 'bold purple'

If you mean the command highlighting, you might be interested in installing the package zsh-syntax-highlighting. Once it’s done, append the line:
source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh into your .zshrc file.