What application have you recently discovered?

I got that.
Sorry i meant this :wink:


Ahh, okay. :wink:
It’s the shell-color-scripts-git from the AUR.

If you want to have one when you launch the terminal, append the command colorscript -r at the end of .zshrc.


Ah thanks.
I have already thought about how I can display the colors in the terminal this way
I’m always learning :wink:

I’ll take a look at that. Thank you very much. :enos:


Exactly what i am looking for. Thousand thanks :enos_flag:


installed it again , this is what i get in terminal

[jp@jp14 ~]$ kitty
[0.360] [glfw error 65543]: GLX: Failed to create context: GLXBadFBConfig
[0.360] Failed to create GLFW temp window! This usually happens because of old/broken OpenGL drivers. kitty requires working OpenGL 3.1 drivers.
[jp@jp14 ~]$

so that pretty explains it , need opengl 3.1 drivers

Have you installed mesa and mesa-utils ?

yes it’s installed
no difference
no worries, i’ll search if my lappy can take opengl3.1 even and see.
otherwise i’ll make a new thread, don’t wanna hijack this thread lol

You can check the OpenGL version with :

glxinfo | grep OpenGL| grep version

Automatic correction help EOS.
Please change your entry to
glxinfo | grep OpenGL | grep version
glxinfo | grep OpenGL
or something else!

[jp@jp14 ~]$ glxinfo | grep OpenGL | grep version
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 24.3.4-arch1.1
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 2.0 Mesa 24.3.4-arch1.1
OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.0.16
[jp@jp14 ~]$

this is what i get ,don’t know what it means though…

Came around television, another fuzzy-finder. Haven’t tried it yet, will have a look at it

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i could not make rclone work with google. can you help me with some advice.

rclone config

choose (n) new remote
enter a name; e.g. google
select your drive type:

  • 19 > Google Cloud Storage (this is not Google Drive)
  • 20 > Google Drive

fill the prompt options as you see fit:
you can leave client_id> and client_secret> empty
choose the access scope you want
service_account_file> can also be left empty

Use web browser to automatically authenticate rclone with remote? – choose yes; this will open a browser for authentication

To see if it worked, run
rclone listremotes

To mount your remote locally, run:
rclone mount --daemon ${remote} ${mountpoint}; e.g. if your remote is named google
rclone mount --daemon google: /mnt/google
the ${mountpoint} must exist and have rw permissions

Made this from memory; hope it helps

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fortunate – the set of wholesome quotes for your fortune-mod

As I wanted to curb my regularly recurring blues, I decided to come back to fortune-mod and quite accidentally, I came across the AUR package called fortunate.

When you install it from the AUR, you get three sets of quotes plus a graphical application displaying them with the option to run a wholesome notification. I decided just to grab the quotes from the project’s GitHub and replace the standard fortune files with these, so every time I open my terminal, I get a wholesome quote.