The sense of social networks

Nah, I interact with quite a few folk on there as part of the WoW community :slight_smile:

While I am not active there, I do have an account on linkedin as it is more or less a requirement for the type of professional role I have. When I first signed up many years ago I accepted every connection and was proud of looking at a massive list of people I was connected to. Later on, I realized that connections to people you don’t actually know have no real value and now I reject the invitations of almost anyone I don’t know.


Back in the late 90s, when I was starting to get on the web (by the hour, at internet coffee shops) I thought the Internet, access to information and easier communication with almost anyone in the world, would make people smarter - or at least less ignorant - and maybe even more empathetic. Better. I was so convinced.

I was wrong. I was small, naive and optimistic. Internet access made people smarter and more empathetic who would have been that way anyway. For the rest, the villains, and the village fools, technology has only brought them together and given them a voice, brought out the worst in them. A vocal and dangerous minority.Yet they have the right to be heard. Democracy at its finest.
Some things never change.

But I digress. The forums are my social media, and I try to discipline myself with everything I say, upvote or upload.


LineageOS is relatively simple to install, have a wide range of devices and you still can use as a daily driver.
For those who really want to the next level, SailfishOS or even more secure, GrapheneOS.

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Thanks @Anticupidon,
I am already using /e/ which is a fork of Lineage and apparently with more Google stuff removed and no Gapps. I would really like to run CalyxOS or Graphene but those supports only Pixel phones and in case of Calyx a Xiaomi model as well.

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I ordered an Sony XA2 on which I’ll install SailfishOS.
Will give some feedback on the forum, maybe someone will be interested to see and hear about a true Linux phone.


That sounds great! Looking forward your feedback. There is a recent thread as well on the forum where a forum member asked for phone recommendations etc.
At any rate, good luck with your new phone and SailfishOS!

Right now, I’m just sitting in a little channel that was about Apple:


However, web chat. Pretty active still. Not many people there, but we all know each other.

Social networks are 21st century tv and they are loaded with advertising that is so insidious that social networking becomes secondary or tertiary to the function it’s supposed to be

I’ve got nothing but good things to say about proton mail so far!

And I avoid most all of social media. I do have Facebook although I have gone on only a few times in the last couple of years. I see the value of linked in from a professional stand point. That’s my biggest issue really. I want to cut all ties, but I’m my industry, Twitter and linked in are big players in promoting yourself and getting the promotion. I have to play the game if i want to make an actual living. It’s literally the only reason I don’t have a basic flip phone.

But the false non fact checked bias memes and media pawned off as journalism constantly promoted to brainwash and push agendas make social media the single most dangerous place on earth right now. I avoid it at all costs.

I’m saving and investing so someday I can hang out on my computer on the beach with a flip phone and my dog listening to baseball and do my best to rid the world of tequila. That’s all the social and all the media I need.


I use it to communicate with family, unfortunately they don’t really give me another option.

We sometimes share stuff about my son for them to see, though now both my wife and I check with him before we post anything ( he’s 6 and he deserves autonomy on what is posted about him on the internet ).


Nice. Proton was exactly what I had in mind. Also perhaps Tutanota with a free tier which gives 1G of storage.

The best part about proton is you can have VPN and integrated nextcloud calendar integration, and your own specific email if you want. It’s shaping up to be fairly great. So far, a company I’d actually want to spend my money with.

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Zuckerberg said it best when famously commenting on the shocking amount of highly personal info users were freely giving away when Facebook first launched …

“Dumb f***s”.

Concise. Succinct. Accurate.

The rise of social media is also yet more proof that humans are basically a herd animal, albeit an apathetic and lazy herd animal.



Hello fellow humans

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“Drink the water… humans like water.”

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And someone recently told me there’s no truth on the internet anymore. I just about spit out my coffee laughing at this. That’s fantastic!

–deleted by @pebcak :grimacing:
Sorry for pinging!

I was using Facebook until some two or three years ago, when I got wrongfully suspended for “hate speech” for posting memes. I appealed and I my got access to my account back in a couple of days, but I decided never to log in again.

My life has significantly improved since.


I have had posts removed from people alleging hate speech but it was overruled and reposted. I have quit Facebook just recently because of so many ads it’s worse than watching tv.

I have been banned from a forum where someone asked what they could they play during the downtime during server maintenance and I responded with your king James audio Bible. I was told that was hate speech. It isn’t but it just goes to show how ridiculous people are.