Show your latest purchase! (With pictures)

It’s a Logitech K380, initially it was flakey with Bluetooth (random disconnects, and not connecting consistently) but setting it up via bluetoothctl in terminal solved that, nice and easy to switch between the work Mac and the NUC.

The sneaker is lego


Damn, that Lego sneaker is cool! I know someone who’s a huge Lego collector, I’m sure he would love it!

It’s this one

It’s a great little machine

Yeah it’s vey cool, I’m hoping they do a Jordan 1

Bought a new keyboard



Don’t murder me please, I can explain! :sweat_smile:
Base model of the M1 Mac Mini. Was at sale at a local Costco for $560, usually costs close to $700, so I went for it.

tomorrow I’ll set it up and see how it performs. if it works as awesomely as people say it does, I’ll keep it as a machine for graphics work; inkscape, gimp, blender, etc. I can also use it for ios development. if it turns out to be useless or not worth it, in my opinion, of course I’ll return it.

Lol, I got this on Thursday evening, now it’s Saturday night and I haven’t still had time to set it up :wink:


Hope your purchase works out well! I heard a lot of hype for the M1, so hopefully it’ll meet those expectations and suit you well c:

As for me? Well…

I finally, finally, finally got the new AMD GPU I’ve been dying to get!!! Of course, it’s a 4 GB RX 570 unlike the 8 GB RX 580 I mentioned getting before (the 580 sadly turned out to be a scam, but thankfully we managed to get a full refund and the scammer was banned), but the 570 is still a very solid card and I’m heavily looking forward to taking it for a spin c:

Getting a new GPU in the current economic climate wasn’t fun, but I didn’t have much of a choice - it’s about time I retired my old GTX 750 Ti, since it’s rather old at this point and doesn’t run very well anymore, plus it seems to be dying. And I’m sick of dealing with Nvidia driver issues ^^’


Congrats on your new GPU!



Should’ve waited till Christmas :wink:

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The price might not be there by then - isn’t this nearly Xmas anyway? :grin:

it must be, I'm already doing a conky for an Xmas screenshot...

I mean, the opening part :upside_down_face:
Price for sure is a roller coaster. Better to grab deals when and where you see :rabbit2:

Surely slaves in China and giraffes (which Tim Cook really doesn’t give a :poop: about ™ :laughing:) will have a good listen to your explanation… :woozy_face:

It is a great piece of hardware. I have one with 16gigs of RAM.

I just hope that the Asahi project gets things done so we can run Arch on it :stuck_out_tongue:

Its so nice to have a dead silent machine with that much of cpu/gpu power and makes me hate my X1 Carbon 8gen which likes to spin up fans every now and then.


Sadly, that’s just the state of the tech world, it’s not like Windows laptops aren’t manufactured in the same sweatshops…

Like i’ve said many times before, including here - some don’t (especially using forced slave / child labor), or at the very least you don’t know that for a fact, like with :apple: who prefer to even then persist in that regards.

It’s pure evil, in my view no reason it should be morally supported in any way shape or form.


I agree, but this is the best product for my needs right now. I know what apple does (or is alleged to do), and I can’t stop it, but if I need a product from them (and I don’t have many!), I’ll buy it until something else is available. It sounds cruel, but in my view this is how life works…

Anyways, this is OT :sweat_smile:

I have the regular version. Best keyboard I’ve ever had. The one I used before was the aluminium keyboard from my 2008 Mac Pro. I thought that was good, but the MX series is just next level.

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I also had the full size version of the MX Keys back when it got released, but it was just too big for me as I have used TKL size before it for so long and nowadays I tend to like 65/75% keyboards, so the Mini was really the percect size.


The Viltrox 23mm F1.4 is the most recent purchase, but the Fuji camera, and the vintage Vivitar lenses where also recent-ish purchases…

While I do love my older canon gear, the 70D’s body is rather bulky
This fuji is tiny in comparison… + it looks rather dope (at least I think it does) combined with vintage glass


I have an RX570 myself though with 8GB and from Sapphire.
It sure is a great piece of hardware and perfectly fine for my casual gaming needs.

One thing I ran into with every Linux distro is the need of GRUB parameter amdgpu.dc=0 to get a picture onto screen. Not sure if it’s related to my display but maybe it helps you as well.

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