Why male engineers live shorter:
They look like javascript web developers
What a waste of good beer.
Wow, where did you find this bizarre meme? It’s…not that funny, is it meant to be funny?
My initramfs image is way smaller with dracut–only 20M or so. It seems like it has eliminated some bloat.
Boot time is much faster with dracut. I have not heard of anyone switching to dracut and getting a slower boot time–I’m not sure if it is possible.
Where is mkinitcpio?
It is…in the same repo it has always been in? The task of uninstalling dracut and installing mkinitcpio could probably be successfully completed within the span of about thirty seconds I would think, even with a relatively modest internet connection.
I don’t understand.
I don’t understand this strange meme.
I like the comments on the side. She is now miss Hackzor to her followers!
I always alias cd..
and cd-
So, when I ssh to some computer, I always make that mistake.