deepin before V20 will take some beating IMHO
Nice try though
deepin before V20 will take some beating IMHO
Nice try though
eww widgets is so cool
You know there is a latte dock layout for deepin 15 yes? You can then have the old floating dock with rounded corners again.
This is awesome. I really like your setups.
But everytime when I switch back to bspwm, messed everything with theming.
you should open new thread , just for theming WM with screenshoots , guides etc xD it will be useful for noobs and beginners
How it is running for you? Because here every time I start it 3 core start get crazy and stays at 70% all the time. One for xorg, one for eww (which just show a bar with a text for now) and one for random tasks. As soon as I kill eww everything work perfectly. I’m on openbox right now but read on GitHub that i3 as the same problem
Hit me up for dotfiles etc etc etc
i’m on xmonad and it’s running fine
and have test on bspwm and it also run fine there
do not install i3wm right now
but would like to test it to see if there may be a problem there although I think it will run fine also on i3wm
in the one box that is empty is for the air view that is not set up
look cool on screenshot think i give miss. for share
Ok, it was a bug, but the dev just fixed it. Now works correctly on i3 and openbox too.
To be honest why I do screen shot is because I want to show what one can with endeavouros what i like about endeavouros is that you get basic of arch linux so you can setup your own sytem after installing i3wm or bspwm or some of the other DE but i’m a bit of a wm freak so dont do screen shot of kde gnome xfce mate and to answer that by opening a new tread with wm then I am not good at such a thing with online forum with if there is one that opens a tread with wm I would very much like to show config and how to do this and that bad english i know
KDE plasma
So clean!
Glorious dwm with Polybar, very happy with this setup.
look very nice
like dwm but like like xmonad too
so I do not know if it should be dwm or xmonad as my daily system
I am not sure sorry mate, I normally use the age old adage, “use what’s best for you” Not very helpful I know.
Thank you.
I still have .iso saved and VM with it, to not forget how it should be done
yep, real shame, could of been so much more with are bug reporting, oh well nothing last forever I guess
lest not forget the control panel, which made it unique
Playing around a bit with my XFCE panels:
don’t update what ever you do