i feel same way about KDE on my pinebook with manjaro on until 19th… I could go vanilla like rest my machines but i wait for EOS Gnome ARM edition
I thought NFL Europe was no longer a thing? If you’re thinking of soccer on the other hand, I have no idea who played. I was busy watching football.
As far as soccer goes, outside of the World Cup, I don’t watch too much. I really like the World Cup, but I don’t see the appeal as much outside of tournament play. The same is true of most sports though. I really like baseball, but since they play many times a week, and have such an absurdly long season, I just can’t follow along.
I tried PopOS once. It was the worst 9 minutes of a distro I think I’ve ever experienced.
You call it however you need to. I prefer to think it’s GNOME’s problem. It’s obviously not me. If it came with a drop down menu, I’d be interested. At this point, I’ve already come to the conclusion it’s junk, and there’s at least 2-3 other DE’s I really do like. (Cinnamon+Plasma, and I quite like XFCE as well). It may end up being fantastic, maybe it IS fantastic. . . But, I’m far too cynical and stubborn to bother changing my mind now. Maybe I’m wrong (just kidding, that’s not likely.)
That’s how I use other distros already too!
That’s why I use KDE on my one laptop with autotiling from the AUR. I wonder if they have one for XFCE too. . . . hmm. But the tiling is why I went back to KDE. I used to run XFCE/i3, but I just thought it was cleaner to just use the tiling script. Although it’s not nearly as customizable as i3, and I do miss a few things about it.
lol I was only joking - hence the bold “football”
I don’t know - I don’t follow the sport. Over here we watch football
Baseball I actually never understood - probably never got interested enough. I dig NHL tho - and to some degree NBA
which script are you using?
I used this one : https://github.com/kwin-scripts/kwin-tiling
and it chrashed on me constantly when i was resizing windows too fast
shameless self-promotion
I never got as far as to try tiling on KDE specifically so I don’t know how well it works. But I’ll pass on that, it’s… let’s just say KDE’s not my cup of tea.
I use this one:
or you can find it in the KDE store. It can be a bit buggy if you’re resizing really fast. But, otherwise I have had zero issues with it. It’s simply fantastic.
Shameless self-promotion is only effective when there is some ‘there’ there Nice work…
When was that? What was so bad about it at the time? I really like it as a distro, and jointly with Xubuntu it’s my favourite debian/*buntu based distro
Thanks for the papirus-folders tip! It adds a nice bit of flexibility to the theme
It’s worth looking it up on GIthub to see if they’ve added new colors to it occasionally.
I don’t remember anymore honestly. And there’s no reason to try again since I’m not interested in anything Ubuntu based and uses snaps. Fedora/Opens use would be my other options.
you can use i3-wm in replacement for xfce-wm
It’s not perfect though and some little nuances don’t work quite right when you do that. I’ve tried it a couple of times now. It messes with suspend/hibernate. It messes when I ran dual monitors. And plank/latte/tint 2 all have weird side effects from it. It’s enough where it bothered me to use it.
i was using this combi for over one year, but only with i3-blocks, dual-monitor was a bit to tinker…
But decided to go with my own DE (set of tools) as exactly that, most of the stuff from xfce4 are not working or not 100% as they should… i think the combi only makes sense if you use i3-wm (like a tiling extension would do) as WM for xfce4 and take the rest directly from xfce4
I don’t now how to do that exactly. But KDE does! And someone else already built the extension. But if there was an extension, I actually like XFCE better.
Looks interesting…
Any advantages over running regular i3WM and something like Rofi as application launcher?
It’s not an application launcher, is a tiling window manager. So yes. Lots of folks run rofi with i3.
should’ve written that differently… what I meant was:
is there any advantage in running “XFCE + I3” instead of I3 with something like rofi/dmenu installed…
This question does not make much sense. Xfce is a full desktop environment, Rofi and dmenu are menus, and i3 is a window manager. These are three different, mostly unrelated concepts.