I will be sad without ksysguard
and birdtray
Of course i can use it…but there are reasons to use normal fast GUI system monitor…
why not glances
? It is already preinstalled.
Wrong thread
OMG I just ran out and got milk and bread. MILK AND BREAD. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?
Smooth sailing over here on GNOME
I’m now partway through downloading what appears to be 50 gibibytes of updates. Is that… normal?
It seems way too big, even for an all-encompassing change like this.
Never seen anything like that … but I guess anything is possible in Linux
What does it say when you run: sudo pacman -Syu
Number of packages, the size of download?
The update is fine for me, however using Wayland with nvidia causes various windows to have a flickering effect when scrolling or typing, so sticking with X11 for now.
This returns 241 packages to be updated, with a total download size of 2600MiB. That sounds about right. The original issue was caused by updating with YAY, which, curiously, did not list a download size as it usually does. I had to estimate based on the amount downloaded and the progress bar. I could update with vanilla pacman, but I’d still like to explain what went wrong with YAY…
Perhaps one clue is that when it started by synchronizing the package databases, the “extra” database was also much larger than the others: about 8MiB.
Perhaps you could open a new thread and post some terminal output for the people to be able to see what is going on.
For now I would just do a repo package update with good old pacman.
It’ll be in your journal
So if you’ve rebooted you can see journalctl -b -1
Also as @pebcak mentioned - maybe a new thread would be a better place to dissect it.
Just updated, first glance, noticed some oddities like qbittorrent tray icon being blank (is this a know bug?), and this other application DoomRunner missing its icon entirely (thought before updating to plasma 6 it didn’t have any icon in the applications menu anyway). Also dolphin icon on the taskbar being blue.
As for usability everything seems fine.
(I’m a newbie here, just delete the post if it was inappropriate).
If anyone installs just fixed packages list for plasma 6.
you may simply need to reboot
and welcome at the purple fun
but…nah it dont work!