Leaked hostile and gross Redhat slideshow?

I’ve come across multiple posts about this new Redhat x Allyship slideshow presentation, and I wanted to confirm here if it’s real. If this is real, this is one of the most disgusting, toxic, hostile, mindless political discrimination and hatred I have ever seen in the software world.

Is this garbage real or just an attempt to incriminate an already shitty corporation?

LOL, what a bunch of racists! :clown_face: :earth_africa:

No wonder that all of this has happened:

P.S. But really wtf would you expect from IBM…They shouldn’t have to sell out to IBM. Grave mistake.

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Sounds pretty real to me, since CEO of IBM has said it himself

And there are already civil rights complaint lawsuits:

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Ah… if only NixOS implemented OpenRC rather than systemDick… :frog:

The western world is all upside down and it only gets worse and worse.

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Excuse me? :joy:
It’s WHOLE world… :clown_face: :earth_africa:



Classic case of Corporate pandering: https://www.ibm.com/impact/be-equal/

Not to say that American right-wing is also correct in their opposition to anything related culture war.

Seeing some of the replies here made me concern about some of the volunteer here.

Hi @joekamprad @Bryanpwo - I know that this place and your OS is trying to be not political but I feel this thread needs to be closed. Unless you are agree with the views and replies posted on this thread, which in case please inform us accordingly.

As non-American, I think Linux/Free Software Movement is a Political movement, in which main message is: Free Software, Free as in Freedom, Free as in Libre. (as in you share the mean of production (kernel, desktop, software, programs)), against Corporate Capitalism Proprietary control.

If that is no longer the case I am happy to uninstall EndeavourOS, though I love it, but I cannot in good conscience to support this OS that riddled with some Americans’ debauchery perversion of Freedom (antisocialist).

While this thread will certainly get closed because it’s probably against forum rules…

Like what, expressing explicit dislike of IBM corpos? :rofl:

GNU / FSF never stated anything like that in their license or motto…Both consist of very different people, it’s no explicitly political movements, while they have clear cut anti-corpo goals in minds (as long as they promote proprietary stuff), i think you read too much on them…which is totally fine by me, as long as code is Free & Open-Source nobody should care what anyone thinks, they’re fine even with corpos using FOSS code. :smiley:


This is not addressing anything else you said.

Only adsressing this:

Understand, please, that once you install Arch, you never need to uninstall. If you want to leave EnOS, all you have to do is remove their repo. There are simple tutorials all over the web on how to do this.

When you install Arch…Arch installs you :scream: :scream_cat:

“Installating ‘i use arch btw’ module…” :rofl:

The IBM CEO is going to confirm it here any minute now, he visits the EndeavourOS forums regularly.


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I won’t touch on the topic at all since I think it might indeed be against the rule-set of EOS forum.

That said, I’m curious, has anyone seen the topic picked up in any “politically diverse” (mostly in the sense that opposing views can at the very least be expressed without being wiped by biased moderation) communities/forums where the “authenticity” as well as the implications of the leak has been contested/debated/discussed?

I did a quick search and I can’t find anything other than news articles (eg the mentioned bloomberg article and the federal complaint), or websites/communities that are very openly being on one or the other side of the matters discussed.


why? if it upset you ! no read /watch. thing like this should never be shut down.

EDit redhat/IBM should be called out for this .

So IBM is a Racist anti Open Source Software Company trying to position themselves as God. What else is new

So many people working 24/7 for civil discussion not happening this days…my guess - doubt it’s possible to find such place. :frowning_face:

It’s either:

  • Complete dumpster-fire (twatter and rest of them social media)
  • Something that you call biased, even if it’s full of direct evidence :joy:

It’s :clown_face: :earth_africa:

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Someone not choosing to close a thread would not mean that they agree or disagree.

Just because you think it doesn’t make it so.

As an American I take offence to your Generalization of the people in this country. This assumes we are all the same We are NOT.


I can’t find anything other than news articles … or websites/communities that are very openly being on one or the other side of the matters discussed.

Because nobody really cares except the culture warriors trying to drive a controversy.

Seems there was a corporate inclusion program. Some people took it too far - not a total surprise, since those don’t necessarily attract the most moderate persons. And now this leak:tm: of a three year old internal presentation is the proof that an entity with tens of thousands of individual employees is <insert your preferred prejudice here>.

Yes or Yes ?!


…or else :clown_face:

“Three years old” IBM CEO explicitly admitting authenticity of leaked documents, while being explicitly racist cultist mob as his corporation goal…all on leaked internal conference calls… :rofl:

Nothing to look in here citizen, LOOK AWAY!!11 :postal_horn: :clown_face:

P.S. Not that he’s not historically accurate to his company though

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