I am curious if people think the ill will that is currently being created by Redhat with the open source community will have an impact on Fedora?
To be clear, I don’t think anything will change with Fedora from a practical perspective. But since Fedora is more or less fully controlled by Redhat, I am wondering if the negative sentiments will also have an impact on people’s willingness to use Fedora.
our Linux guru Sysadmin at work already said that epel - maintainers openly question their own involvement in epel/RHEL/Fedora - if they go away, Fedora won’t be as usable as it is now for everyday tasks. (Most stuff has to be installed from epel or other repo’s on those distro’s)
We are still using an RHEL-7 based distro on some hundred machines at work and began with the preparation work to upgrade to a RHEL-9 based distro not long ago, but with the news of the past week, that work has completely stopped and alternatives are being discussed.
The most likely way out for us is a switch to debian. I am pretty sure that many others will also discuss those steps.
Our guess (and also my personal guess) is that the RHEL ecosystem will definitely suffer if Red Hat really goes through with it and does not step back.
what do click-bait articles have to do with Red Hat actively killing open access to their product?
Fedora is unusable without epel and other community-based repos, and most maintainers providing those community packages do that because they also need those packages for their enterprise systems running CentOS/RockyLinux/AlmaLinux whatever RHEL-Clone they use.
Running those clones won’t be possible anymore as they can’t be binary compatible clones with Red Hat’s closing of access to the RHEL packages. In case you don’t know, Red Hats licensing does not allow redistribution of packages acquired through paid access and free access is now gone.
Paying for Red Hat is bonkers if other distributions still offer the same for free (Just have a look on what money Red Hat wants for using their OS: https://www.redhat.com/en/store/linux-platforms)
Red Hat said that CentOS Stream will be the only openly accessible OS they offer directly - and that is not usable on enterprise level due to it basically being the RHEL-testing channel which only contains packages that they want to include in the next RHEL release in case they prove to be stable.
I have used Fedora pretty extensively and have never once needed anything from EPEL. Rpmfusion seems much more relevant for Fedora desktop users.
On the other hand, Redhat itself benefits from the EPEL as does CentOS and all the clones.
That being said, this move from Redhat is pretty broadly against the spirit of open source which it benefits from tremendously. It makes me wonder how I should feel about continuing to use and support Fedora.
rpmfusion too is a community-provided repo, but yeah, totally forgot it. At work when I run yum update I get over 40 sources from which packages are installed and used…
I assume you’ve already come across this post over on Fedora discussions, it’s got a few interesting links for additional reading:
I’m not worried at the moment. I am aware there’s a lot of potential for things to not go in the direction of an open-source kind of way, but honestly I’ll just see how this plays out in 6 months from now to see if anyone even still cares or just mentions it in passing. Right now it’s just the big news, so it’s got a lot of extra talk going around. Rocky Linux has already stated (link) they are going to continue too. The way it might go down, is a few hands change, but it’s business as usual. This is just my ideal hope.
Could there be potential to have Fedora in the cross-hairs? I suppose anything is possible. I’m not going to abandon Fedora on the possibility of something that isn’t even yet to happen pass. I know it’s all somewhat connected, but worst case scenario, if Fedora goes under, I just go back to Arch lol.
I don’t think that there is much chance that Fedora actually goes away or stops being available. Thinking that would be an overreaction.
The question is more about will it lose users or contributors and should we(Linux users) continue to support it when the company behind it is taking these actions.
For those who don’t know I’ve almost exclusively ran on a daily basis Fedora for the last year.
Rpmfusion has had pretty much everything I’ve needed. Admittedly, I was very irritated recently I hooked up a DVD player to watch and old movie I own and find I had to find a very very well hidden rpmfusion “tainted” repo just to install libdvdcss.
Right now they are dedicated to FOSS and shipping as such.
If RHEL code goes dark, and fedora follows suit,I would imagine they lose users. FOSS has been integral to their way of life for quite some time now
Redhat already has. They removed public access to the code for RH Linux. It is absurdly unlikely that Fedora would do the same thing. That would make no sense for anyone.
Well as for myself I’ll still continue to use Fedora, it doesn’t change anything for me in the meantime. I already wasn’t a Red Hat fan before this, so it’s not anything new for me other than just adding more fuel to the fire. Plenty of people still use products from companies they absolutely loathe (this is not an endorsement to use Red Hat).
The short story is that Redhat removed public access to the source code for Redhat Linux. While this isn’t illegal, it is certainly not in alignment with free software. This is not just a little ironic because it is all built on contributions from the open source community. As a result, many people are frustrated/angry/etc.
It could, but that isn’t what is happening here. Redhat isn’t making any changes to Fedora.
While Fedora is a community project in theory, it is almost entirely controlled by Redhat. In fact, it was created by Redhat. It is essentially where the software that eventually becomes RH Linux comes from.
As far as I know, Redhat provides most of Fedora’s infrastructure and funding.
I want to be super clear here, I don’t think that Fedora is going away or changing in any fundamental way.
Been on Fedora 38 since it’s release. Was also using Fedora 37 a bit before than when I was testing out the Ubuntu 22.04/22.10 betas. Don’t have anything to add or contribute since on Fedora things just kinda work for the most part so I relegated myself to a lowly lurker.