Is this real?
What is “the lace engine”?
Wait till you check out the smart headband to analyze your brain waves
Only $399…
My smartwatch is killing me!!
But those shoes look good!
Hmm… only 8MB though
This is real. It’s self lacing shoes (Nike actually made the shoes from Back to the Future some years ago, and now made a successor to those shoes, this time commercially available, based on the same technology).
I took the screenshots from a LTT review of the shoes: These Nikes are THICCCCCC! - YouTube
Who would wear one of these has a flatline anyway…
It analyzes how much your sweating?
I looked to buy a TV recently and was looking for one that did not have any spying functionality. Impossible to find one except an obscure company that based all their advertising on the fact that their product line was dumb.
I gave up and bought a smart one never giving it access to my network. I suppose some day when people are a bit more informed, there will be a niche market for dumb things.
I’m sure there is huge market for that all over the world, however obviously it’s not in the interest of our overlords and big companies producing stuff…
“Innovation” in the industry is often combining one popular trend and connect it to another. Imagine a toaster that also can brew coffee… amazing!
If it’s useful to you use it, if it’s stupid reject it. If the only benefit is reading out device sensors on a smartphone it’s probably stupid. If it has to connect to a third party server it’s probably not worth the privacy tradeoff.
I enjoy “talking to the room” to get information or initiate an action, but these are so narrow use cases, that most of the time support for these ecosystems are rather detrimental, because it’s introducing a point of failure/obsolescence out of my control, which isn’t worth it past a 30 bucks gadget investment.
If there is a huge market, there will be big companies to provide. But compared to the smart market, i seriously doubt you could qualify the dumb one as huge.
there’s definitely a huge market in our bubble
No, it’s far outside. I know a lot of “normies” who absolutely hate this smart crap and willfully buy older dumb things.
Yeah, but our bubble is not that huge
well if by huge we mean percentage of the people in the bubble (which is what I’ve meant with my remark), then yes, a large percentage of security conscious people will choose non-smart appliances. if we mean discrete numbers, then yes, the market is actually small.
Anyway we are at a point where what people want and what they get is greatly divergent. Take for example the subscription model for anything these days. Do consumers want that model? No. Is there an alternative to it? less and less. the same with all the crap companies are pushing. it’s less and less about what consumers want or need and more about how people can be forced to accept something they didn’t want because they are lacking alternatives. I mean they want a TV. As we concluded there’s little you can do to get a non-smart TV.
Are you saying this guy is nothing? Because he definitely appears to be ‘owned’ (see chair arm).
… and we are also laughed at just like Don Quixote
I liked the idea of some of the stuff like for instance a refrigerator that lets you know you’re out of something and all that jazz, but the reality of it is that a company is tracking what food you are buying and selling this information to other people, so I am not cool with that.
The ones that really scare the crap out of me are Facebook, google and Amazon trying to convince people to buy an always listening device that also has a camera and screen…they all claim it’s to talk to other people…but I have read the book 1984 I know damn well what those things are for.
I don’t know about that I really like sending texts from my LG Toaster. It makes it even smarter when you text in the bathtub lmao
you’ll know you have enough smart devices when your central bank digital currency account is shut off because the smart fridge in your smart apartment in your smart city reports you for not having enough healthy food in the fridge and for going to bed too late.