I normally do not get into these threads, but when I saw this:
I had to stop lurking and say something. I hate to say this, but it IS definitely is a comment centered on the first world. You take your old machines to recyclers, ie “scrapped” in your statement, and feel good about “saving the planet”. What really happens is they are sent to places like India, Thailand, Vietnam, China, and others to either be reused or burned, broken down, and dismantled for the precious metals they contain. In the case of this article, Link, they were sent to China. Also, where do you think corporate laptops and computers that come off lease go when they are replaced? They are shipped to those same countries and are resold. Example: Link
Like @dodgypast, I also live in Thailand. People use what they can. Most of the jobs here only pay about $300 to $400 (9,000 Thai baht give or take) a month. What it comes down to is, do they buy a cell phone or a computer. Most people will buy the cell phone because it is more useful in their daily life. My wife, is a prime example of this. While she had a good smart phone, she had never owned a computer in her life until I bought her one in 2012. She was 34 at the time. She was more worried about paying her living expenses out of her salary than buying a “luxury” item such as a computer.
More recently with this human malware stuff, my brother-in-law, who is a rice farmer, asked me for help to get my 15 year-old niece a computer. She needed one so she could continue to go to school. The school switched to “online” classes. They just did not have the money for such a major, unexpected purchase. Between what I had laying around and what I could scrounge up, I was able to give her a computer. Was it new, nope. It was an i7-3770K with 16gb of RAM and a 256gb SSD. Because her school uses Teams, it had to run Windows. It runs Windows 10 beautifully. A similar machine on the used market here can cost more than a months salary.
I could go on. @dodgypast’s, @s4ndm4n’s, @flyingcakes and my point is, not everywhere on the planet can afford to upgrade. Even after the “five year support window” for W10 ends. They have more important things to worry about than upgrading a computer. The fact that MS wants to end support at all for these older machines, like my 4 year old i7-7700K desktop, is ridiculous.
/End Rant