Favourite Lesser Known Programs

Please share your favourite programs and applications that other members are unlikely to be familiar with. Write a short description of the program, and, ideally, share a screenshot or two, and a link to the project website (or git, or AUR). It can be any kind of a program, application, utility, game (preferably Free and Open Source, but proprietary is allowed, too), the only conditions are that it must be fairly unknown and it must be able to run on EndeavourOS without too much effort.

I’ll start with…


a Free and Open Source hieroglyphic word processor for Ancient Egyptian, written in Java. An indispensable tool for any student of Middle Egyptian.

Here is a screenshot:

You can download JSesh from:


A few of mine.

Sayonara - sayonara-player(AUR) - A qt-based music player good for managing larger libraries.

Joplin - joplin(AUR) - A note taking application which supports markdown, encryption and distributed notes

Popsicle - popsicle-git(AUR) - A nice looking easy to use USB writer which supports both Windows and Linux ISOs.




Swiss army knife of p2p sharing.
Protocols of elders.

You can find extremely rare things in there, especially if you’re a music lover / collector.
You can filter by file-format, quality etc, have some chat in rooms or what not.
Obviously you’d have to be proper kopimist to do so… :upside_down_face:


P.S. Blur which anybody could guess from here is obviously an inside joke :rofl:



A handy timer for steeping tea


No Linux setup is complete without it. I’ve had it on every install since I switched to Linux.


@dalto I use popsicle and it is very good, thanks to you!

Another application that I use a lot to edit files is easy editor (ee) a FreeBSD tool, is in AUR.

For example:

# ee .xinitrc →and then this unfolds:

^[ (escape) menu  ^e search prompt  ^y delete line    ^u up     ^p prev page
^a ascii code     ^x search         ^z undelete line  ^d down   ^n next page
^b bottom of text ^g begin of line  ^w delete word    ^l left
^t top of text    ^o end of line    ^v undelete word  ^r right
^c command        ^k delete char    ^f undelete char      ESC-Enter: exit ee
=====line 1 col 0 lines from top 1 ============================================
# ~/.xinitrc
# Executed by startx

if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
  for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
    [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
  unset f

xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

###exec mate-session
exec startxfce4

To close the editor, simply press the Esc key:

^[ (escape) menu  ^e search prompt  ^y delete line    ^u up     ^p prev page
^a ascii code     ^x search         ^z undelete line  ^d down   ^n next page
^b bottom of text ^g begin of line  ^w delete word    ^l left
^t top of text    ^o end of line    ^v undelete word  ^r right
^c command        ^k delete char    ^f undelete char      ESC-Enter: exit ee
=====line 1 col 0 lines from top 1 ============================================
# ~/.xinitrc                          +---------------------+
#                                     | main menu           |
# Executed by startx                  |                     |
                                      | a) leave editor     |
if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; t | b) help             |
  for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/* | c) file operations  |
    [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"             | d) redraw screen    |
  done                                | e) settings         |
  unset f                             | f) search           |
fi                                    | g) miscellaneous    |
                                      |                     |
                                      | press Esc to cancel |
xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources             +---------------------+

###exec mate-session
exec startxfce4

and then the Enter key. → Done!

It is much easier to use, than for example nano. :slight_smile:




Does it support public key encryption ??
:grimacing: :grimacing:

1 Like

LyX is great when you’re starting with LATEX, but soon it becomes quite limited when you want to do something fancy. So, I prefer to write LATEX code manually in a text editor and compile it in the terminal. Much more control that way, and for a physicist, it is a necessity. But LyX helped me a lot when I was learning it.


I am not sure how that would be applicable for a notes taking application. You want to be able to share your notes with others using a key pair?

The purpose of the encryption in Joplin is to keep your notes private as opposed to enabling sharing of the notes. It is e2ee encryption that is managed client side so the servers can be zero knowledge.

Am I missing something?


Notion which is a workspace app/program that allows you to create:

  • Documents
  • Databases
  • Knowledge bases
  • Project managers
  • Productivity systems

*Pulled from their website.

Github/deb link/file is here.

Screenshots from my databases/setup below

2020 playbook
Handbook Of Life "]


I don’t know how lesser known the following are, but they’re not incredibly well known I think (could be wrong).

I enjoy playing chess and a great OSS for analyzing your games as well as the games of others is ChessX. I have the proprietary Chessbase as well which is the standard in the field and to be honest, I personally felt it was a waste of money…the only useful thing about it is the catalog of GM games. ChessX is more than enough for the chess enthusiast.

yay -S chessx


For a Windows Paint alternative, the best software I’ve found recently is Drawing. I was using the flatpak on ubuntu when I was giving it a whirl, but it was a bit limited as a result. It’s a first class citizen on Arch though and available in the repos.

pacman -S drawing


Jeez! :rofl:


I fully agree with Joplin. I use it a lot (about 100 notes in multiple categories) and I sync it between 3 laptops and an Android smartphone (with Joplin android app) through a private Nextcloud server. Never had an issue.


Quick question, does Sayonara support DLNA?


I don’t think so, but I have never needed DLNA so I wouldn’t guarantee it.

1 Like

In my case it is multimedia player : xt7-player-mpv found in AUR and also Github (https://github.com/kokoko3k/xt7-player-mpv) I have used this one around 2 years…so far so good.



The Arch Wiki seachable from the terminal and readable as manual entries.

$ aw encryption

? Select an article: (Use arrow keys)
❯ [1/4] Dm-crypt-Device encryption: This section covers how to manually utilize dm-crypt from the command line
to en..
[2/4] Dm-crypt-Swap encryption: Depending on requirements, different methods may be used to encrypt the swap
[3/4] Disk encryption: Related articles
[4/4] Removing System Encryption: Removing system encryption with dm-crypt and LUKS.
Dm-crypt-Device encryphttps://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Device_encDm-crypt-Device encryption(1)

Dm-crypt-Device encryption

This section covers how to manually utilize dm-crypt from the command line to encrypt a system.

1  Preparation
2  Cryptsetup usage
2.1  Cryptsetup passphrases and keys
3  Encryption options with dm-crypt
3.1  Encryption options for LUKS mode
3.2  Encryption options for plain mode
4  Encrypting devices with cryptsetup
4.1  Encrypting devices with LUKS mode
4.1.1  Formatting LUKS partitions  Using LUKS to format partitions with a keyfile
4.1.2  Unlocking/Mapping LUKS partitions with the device mapper
4.2  Encrypting devices with plain mode
5  Cryptsetup actions specific for LUKS
Manual page tmp-357004yzPuOMO9Bwk3.tmp line 1 (press h for help or q to quit)

+1 for Sayonara.


There are two options for Joplin in AUR of which one just downloads an appimage. Which one do you use/recommend?

I used the joplin AUR package for quite some time and it worked fine. I ended up switching to a manually downloaded appimage because I multi-boot and that was more convenient.

That being said, I took a look at the joplin-appimage package and it just installs the appimage into opt and integrates it into the system.


For Music Player, I stick with an old but quite powerful one: Quod Libet (quodlibet in the official repo). The plugins list and the various view options is quite impressive (As the sound quality, IMHO)