Deepin 20 Arrived

Install gnome-terminal :exploding_head:

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Do you uninstall deepin terminal?

issue is more that if you close to tray is not working, minimizing should show an icon on the panel…

Close to tray?

qbittorrent have this option and most chat apps too… if you close this apps they still running but you can not reopen them from tray because they do not show up there…

No, you don’t need to remove any other terminals. The issue is when a .desktop file has Terminal=True set it is being opened in gnome-terminal. If you don’t have it installed it fails. That is probably configurable somewhere, but I have not looked for where.

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Okay …yes. I have qbittorrent installed and i mention that.

Edit: Another issue is the Mutitasking view doesn’t work also. Does nothing when i click on it…

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Yes, that is also broken for me currently. It was working a few days ago.

It seems like deepin is just not in a stable state right now. Every time something is fixed, something else breaks. I guess it is the nature of beta software.

Yes, I also think it was working before but not now.

Edit: I have installed the Arch version downloaded from Deepin off of sourceforge and installed it in virtualbox. Same issues really but the Multitasking works.

Deepin 20 is awesome! But it had some bugs…

How’s it going with bugs?
Does anyone have trouble running flatpaks and snaps?

Welcome Aboard! @Telmo1241

I recently spent a week revisiting deepin to see how things were coming along. It should still be considered very much a beta, more like a working alpha release candidate. As for flatpacks and snaps deepin has a hard enough time keeping the desktop environment stable so any additions to it are subject to the very same limitation. There was an update yesterday that broke the notifications panel visually. In a day or two that will be fixed and another issue will pop up. It is however actively being developed so time will tell.

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The desktop manager isn’t working either, but we can still switch desktops with gestures

The problem with the state of deepin is that it doesn’t seem to be objectively improving from a stability perspective. While the initial rollout of 20 on Arch was rocky, one would expect that bugs would be gradually be squished and it would move towards stability. However, over the last several months that doesn’t seem to be the case. It seems that every time something is fixed something else is broken. There are frequent updates to the deepin packages but overall stability doesn’t seem to be increasing which is concerning.

To be totally clear, since stability can mean a lot of things, I am using it here to mean everything is working as it should be.

It isn’t unusable but you have to be a pretty diehard deepin fan to be using it in the current state of flux.


Nooope, only those who haven’t used / contributed to Deepin before :laughing:
Myself and @antechdesigns - that was exactly what we have been expecting…Sadly :woozy_face:


Yes I’m a fan, that’s why I use it


I really don’t understand why it is so hard for them, version 15 had its flaws, but it was very usable as a daily driver on Arch. Now it looks like it is a brand new DE that never had a previous version.


Well, i’ve told this story many times before, but as someone who practically lived on their bug-tracker for more than year and loved 15 as superior DE to any other, which just need few bugs to get fixed…

Basically it all comes down to (according to one of main devs while mental breakdown):

  • Almost nobody from team actually use Deepin as their own daily driver

  • This is not community project, so they must prioritize corporate clients with their bs feature demands, instead of bug-fixes, even if they completely disagree with it

  • There was some clear indications in his speech that CCP is heavily involved with some decisions as one of their “corporate client”…That wasn’t newsflash in China, but still.

I mean, sad reality of doing anything in mainland China - you can’t really do it freely, especially if you already made something meaningful and created international buzz, like with Deepin DE. :frowning_face:


I’ve actually stopped developing archdeepin and I don’t think I’ll bother with it again, V20 is a Joke!!!


Oh, you’re you! I never put two and two together, even if I thought “antechdesigns” sounded familiar.

I wondered were archdeepin went, as it was gone all of a sudden. :slight_smile: