Worm - a floating, tag based window manager

There is basic example here (waiting for you to further tweak it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:):


Nope, it’s not a script but a config file that is interpreted by sxhkd.

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I will look for polybar rice on Codeberg or may be post one from Ctlos , I like their polybar config

Thanks @moson .somehow my keybindings doesnt seem to work

my worm config that works
cat ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc

super + Return
super + b
 super + r
rofi -show drun
super + {1-9}
 wormc switch-tag {1-9}
super + shift + {1-9}
 wormc move-active-tag {1-9}
super + shift + f
 wormc float-active
super + f
 wormc layout floating
super + t
 wormc layout tiling
super + q
 wormc close-active-client
super + x
 pkill worm

cat ~/.config/worm/rc

#!/usr/bin/env bash

exec nitrogen --restore &

exec polybar example &

exec sxhkd &

wormc border-width 6

# These add support for pywal
# wormc border-active-pixel $((16$(sed -n '4p' .cache/wal/colors)))
# wormc border-inactive-pixel $((16$(sed -n '5p' .cache/wal/colors)))
# wormc background-pixel $((16$(sed -n '6p' .cache/wal/colors)))

wormc layout tiling
wormc struts 75 20 20 20
wormc gaps 20
wormc frame-height 0


any polybar configuration should work fine with worm, as long as it’s not using anything wm-specific. there is the one on the EOS configuration though.

https://github.com/codic12/worm/releases/tag/v0.2.0 v0.2.0 released. @moson feel free to update the PKGBUILD when you have time.


@codic12 just saw this on r/unixporn !! :slight_smile:


It looks nice. It say’s Worm is Awesome. But Awesome is another WM. :wink:


very epic!

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Worm release v0.2.5: https://github.com/codic12/worm/releases/tag/v0.2.5

Includes many bugfixes and internal code refactors, as well as finally, a minimize feature with a matching titlebar button. @moson and @manuel, can you update the packages when you have time? sorry to bug :wink:


Nice. AUR package is updated…


Built and released to EndeavourOS mirrors.



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I’m not a master in using WM’s but should I get a mouse-pointer?
I just installed it in Boxes and there is no such thing…

Did you install the CE or not? For some reason some session managers don’t give worm a mouse pointer (it doesn’t initialize one itself so you might need to open a terminal or something and then it works fine… very weird). With the CE though it should work fine.

Had to figure out what CE means… :rofl:
But, yes, the CE from the newborn iso.

This happened on Boxes, later I installed it in Vbox and got a mouse pointer, a weird one though.
(A cross instead of an arrow.)

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That is strange behavior. Maybe you tried the iso before there were some fixes? I have noidea… the X cursor is the default x11 one and should not happen. I did a clean install just 30min ago on both vbox and boxes, as well as on an old machine, and they all show the regular adwaita mouse cursor.

I’ll try again on another rig, first in Boxes.

Again, no mouse to start with and after opening a terminal a cross appears.

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Where are you getting the iso from? I have no idea what that issue could be… works perfectly fine on my end.

I just did an install in Gnome Boxes too…
i get a normal mouse cursor here…

I used the new Apollo iso, downloaded from the alpix server

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