Worm - a floating, tag based window manager

Looks awesome. Have to try it :slight_smile:. Why does it say it’s written in Rust in the forum and written in Nim on the GitHub page though? :thinking:

As far as I know, it is written in nim.

Yeah if you look at the code files it’s definitely Nim. Guess the forum post needs editing.

I think it was originally written in Rust!
@codic12 can confirm this.


Yes, at some point I did a rewrite :wink: will edit the first post right now.

(edit: apparently I can’t edit posts that old… :frowning: )

I downloaded the iso twice.
Both from Alpix, torrent.

I have no idea what’s going on then, sorry!

Doesn’t matter.
You did a nice job. :+1:t2:

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Fixed (hopefully :wink:).


by any chance, you are using autologin?

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Yes, I ticked that box while installing.

Ok, that’s probably the issue, for some reason the way the CE is setup it needs a display manager to provide a mouse cursor, autologin skips that. I thought autologin should be disabled for worm…

Yes, that was the problem.


Someone tested worm on eos Apollo, Techut!


Worm v0.3.0 is now released! (After having these bugfixes done for a long time :tada: https://github.com/codic12/worm/releases/tag/v0.3.0

Worm v0.3.0 features many bugfixes, particularly important ones being a fix which made tiling impossible and also one which did not update _NET_CLIENT_LIST upon only having one window, instead early-returning out of the proc. In addition, it features a very important and long awaited feature - you can now set set active, inactive, active + hover, and inactive + hover states for all buttons! Note that the old versions are kept for compatibility and compactness reasons - using them as setters simply sets all of them, so there are no behavioral changes with past configurations. Of course, there are also some nice to have quality of life improvements by our generous contributors.

@moson and @manuel please update the AUR and repository packages whenever you find time, thanks :wink:


Sorry for such a quick new release, but a bug was discovered which made minimize-active-hovered-path not work with a memory issue; https://github.com/codic12/worm/releases/tag/v0.3.1 fixes this. Not relevant for the community edition so not super important to upload urgently, but I hope that moson and manuel will update it when they have time :wink: (i’m far too annoying…)