Worm - a floating, tag based window manager

Oh noes! Disaster recovery! :smile: But I understand. Thanks!

The worm package is on its way to our mirrors!
Should be in the first mirrors within minutes from now. :sweat_smile:


Awesome! Thanks a lot!

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Could you do me a favor? The next time you are editing the PKGBUILD for worm, could you modify the architecture statement from



arch=('x86_64' 'aarch64' 'armv7h')

Thank you a bunch.



Looking forward to testing the CE :slight_smile:

By the way, to make absolutely sure, should we use aur/worm or aur/worm-git?
I used aur/worm.


Worm is fine, it’s the tagged release. Git one builds master.

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The other as well, but based on release/tag (when you create a new release in github it’ll take the sourcecode at that point in time and make a .tar.gz archive from it. That one is then used when building the AUR package…)
So you could actually remove the v0.1.0 branch if you want…


Switched the CE to the worm on the repos, works perfectly! thanks for packaging it!

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That’s done.

I’ve also added documents and examples to both, worm and worm-git.
They can be found at /usr/share/doc/worm/...


worm 0.1.0-4 released to mirrors.


Thank you for adding the architecture change to the PKGBUILD.

I saw the added documents when I looked at the PKGBUILD. Nice.

I have one suggestion at this point. Just a suggestion, not a feature request or anything else.
Perhaps when worm boots up for the first time only, present a help sheet with directions to best use worm. On subsequent boot ups, the document would not appear.

I have compiled the ARM versions of worm, and they will be on the mirrors when the wizard @manuel pushes them to Alpix.

Thanks again to everyone involved with the worm project.



Good idea, thanks! Adding that to my list of things to do for v0.2, if I can figure that out. Shouldn’t be too hard.


How much RAM does it use? How light it is on pc resources? Is it lighter than 2bwm and Frankenwm? Will it run light on my mini laptop with just 2GB RAM?

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It will probably fly on that laptop, as will the other two wms you mentioned. I’m not sure if it’s lighter or not, but to be honest with standalone WMs resources aren’t really a factor, most of the time the resource usage is the same.

The WM may fly on that machine, but keep in mind that going on the internet these days will slow it down. A browser and internet use a lot of RAM these days.



Does sxhkdrc also need to be made executable by running chmod +x sxhkdrc ?

Can you please add a polybar rice to your dots which works with worm according to its needs?

@saleeem, @codic12 already replied to this something in these lines. Worm doesn’t care about anything except managing windows. make a nicer rice with polybar is definitely not a motivation for worm at present.
the end user is expected to whatever he/she wishes to. i can tell you now itself, if you post the nice rice, we may copy it :grinning:

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