came across this iso while surfing on the net, they have a qtile and xfce iso
If my dog ever expresses a desire to have a computer of his own, this is the OS I’ll consider for him. I don’t think he would enjoy Qtile very much (he is very opinionated about Python), but Xfce would be good for him.
Hmm… And a lot of people say we have chosen a crappy name for the distro… ( They even message me about changing the name)
They are wrong. Endeavour is a great name, especially when it is correctly spelled, with u. And while I don’t particularly care about the space shuttle theme (I don’t mind it, though), I really like the association with captain Cook’s ship. Those were great days of naval exploration and adventure!
Well, it is a lot of work and a waste of money to change the name now, not that we have intentions to do that, btw.
Good, good. It would be a total waste of money. You may as well just buy yourself a nice gaming laptop.
For package building, of course!
Maybe i should create HONK-HONK Linux
I want to react but…
That is a beautiful photo of Endeavour.
I had something like this in mind:
Though we have completely hijacked the Woof OS thread.
Woof Woof!
I think I’ll name my next dog Qtile!
Just installed it in a VB, nothing special, just another Arch installer using Calamares.
I wonder if @TurkeyJohn has thought about compiling Gobble-Gobble Linux?
John should make his own shell (tjsh?) which has just one command “gobble” that takes a variable amount of optional arguments, all of which are “gobble”
(it wouldn’t be POSIX-compliant, but turkeys seldom are)
Nothing special under the hood?
Or even in the kennel?
In fact does it have a kennel instead of a kernel?
Not that I’ve noticed in 1 minute.
Stock xfce with a small panel and two starters for the Brave browser on it
So this seems very important.
That’s a nice looking qtile setup.
Your ability to avoid knee-jerk reactions is awesome - and a good fit for your position!
Dare we ask what helpful alternate suggestions they offer (they being the helpful 'change-your-name- suggesters)??
Please tell me it isn’t Meow-OS