Which DE are you using?

“google” was a synonym for search right there. I’m not using google myself.


Oh no… I got what you meant. I was just asking the question here in case anyone here had done it already, before I went the usual way of getting lost in article after article in my personal favorite search engine. I’m cool with doing my own research, however if it’s something I think I could save a little time by asking about, I figured I would give that a try first…
because I do tend to get sidetracked on search engines. LOL.

Did you get it to work? Historically moksha has been difficult to keep working in Arch-based distros because they target Ubuntu LTS so there are frequently problems where they aren’t keeping up with the libraries in a rapidly rolling distro like EOS.

I am curious to know how well it is working these days.

It failed with moksha-git and the modules the arch wiki suggested due to dependency issues and other things. I’m now trying instal;ling plain “moksha” with nothing else and will report back. It’s been getting alot of 404 errors and bouncing from mirror to mirror trying to download files.

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Voted for Mate. Has always been what I’ve fallen back on, when using Mint, then Neptune, then the Arch side of linux, so I’ve settled with it fully … personally find it the lightest and most easy to customize and best DE for gaming.


Anyone using i3 daily?


Deepin is primary… i3 is installed and used a little bit every day as I slowly figure it out…


one i do switch and i can’t get back to something else

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Is it ok when doing a fresh install i select Xfce & i3, I want to start learning i3 without doing a dual boot. I would like to just log out of Xfce & use i3. Thanks.

it should be ok, you can always use the configurations of Git and install manually is also more advertenture :slight_smile:

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Xfce is going to beat Plasma :slight_smile:


Wow! Plasma and Xfce head next to head .For my part, I only start Plasma very rarely when I get tired of Xfce.


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With a little work you can use i3 in XFCE. The best if all worlds.

I just updated. No more XFCE for me. All aboard the KDE train!

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I like Mate as well. At this point in its development, it is pretty much as lightweight as XFCE but less work to configure out of the box. It just seems a little more intuitive and more unified to me than XFCE or LXQT. Not quite a lightweight at Enlightenment, LXQT or LXDE, but worth it unless you are trying to get super minimal in memory usage or disk footprint.

I always like to point out Enlightenment. I’m running it on EndeavourOS and Void, and really like it just as much as Mate. It’s got a little bit of learning curve, as it isn’t quite as familiar as Mate is to most people, but its pretty awesome when you get the hang of it.

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plasma Plasma. So versatile and the latest versions have been really light too. Only little issues with optimus-manager and SDDM. Had some issues with pulseaudio too, but managed to solve those.

If I didn’t have these little issues, it would be perfect.

That would be cool, now to see IF theres a youtube video on how to do it lol. :grinning:

I too find Mate much easier to configure and very straightforward to understand. A desktop that I’d definitely recommend first to a beginner.


When I’m on a computer and not my phone if you’re really interested shoot me a message. I’ve done it a few times now. It’s not that hard actually.

Also, I’ve never tried this but I’ve heard good things. I use something similar in KDE now.



I also used Budgie in Solus. Ubuntu Budgie is totally amazing.

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