“google” was a synonym for search right there. I’m not using google myself.
Oh no… I got what you meant. I was just asking the question here in case anyone here had done it already, before I went the usual way of getting lost in article after article in my personal favorite search engine. I’m cool with doing my own research, however if it’s something I think I could save a little time by asking about, I figured I would give that a try first…
because I do tend to get sidetracked on search engines. LOL.
Did you get it to work? Historically moksha has been difficult to keep working in Arch-based distros because they target Ubuntu LTS so there are frequently problems where they aren’t keeping up with the libraries in a rapidly rolling distro like EOS.
I am curious to know how well it is working these days.
It failed with moksha-git and the modules the arch wiki suggested due to dependency issues and other things. I’m now trying instal;ling plain “moksha” with nothing else and will report back. It’s been getting alot of 404 errors and bouncing from mirror to mirror trying to download files.
Voted for Mate. Has always been what I’ve fallen back on, when using Mint, then Neptune, then the Arch side of linux, so I’ve settled with it fully … personally find it the lightest and most easy to customize and best DE for gaming.
Anyone using i3 daily?
Deepin is primary… i3 is installed and used a little bit every day as I slowly figure it out…
one i do switch and i can’t get back to something else
Is it ok when doing a fresh install i select Xfce & i3, I want to start learning i3 without doing a dual boot. I would like to just log out of Xfce & use i3. Thanks.
it should be ok, you can always use the configurations of Git and install manually is also more advertenture
Xfce is going to beat Plasma
Wow! Plasma and Xfce head next to head .For my part, I only start Plasma very rarely when I get tired of Xfce.
With a little work you can use i3 in XFCE. The best if all worlds.
I just updated. No more XFCE for me. All aboard the KDE train!
I like Mate as well. At this point in its development, it is pretty much as lightweight as XFCE but less work to configure out of the box. It just seems a little more intuitive and more unified to me than XFCE or LXQT. Not quite a lightweight at Enlightenment, LXQT or LXDE, but worth it unless you are trying to get super minimal in memory usage or disk footprint.
I always like to point out Enlightenment. I’m running it on EndeavourOS and Void, and really like it just as much as Mate. It’s got a little bit of learning curve, as it isn’t quite as familiar as Mate is to most people, but its pretty awesome when you get the hang of it.
Plasma. So versatile and the latest versions have been really light too. Only little issues with optimus-manager and SDDM. Had some issues with pulseaudio too, but managed to solve those.
If I didn’t have these little issues, it would be perfect.
That would be cool, now to see IF theres a youtube video on how to do it lol.
I too find Mate much easier to configure and very straightforward to understand. A desktop that I’d definitely recommend first to a beginner.
When I’m on a computer and not my phone if you’re really interested shoot me a message. I’ve done it a few times now. It’s not that hard actually.
Also, I’ve never tried this but I’ve heard good things. I use something similar in KDE now.
I also used Budgie in Solus. Ubuntu Budgie is totally amazing.