Which DE are you using?

So far two things:
For some reason I can’t actually set Nemo as default file manager in settings for some reason and I need to install another text editor since mousepad is gone. Now, what to pick… leafpad is the easy choice but…

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Does Cinnamon come without text editor? Leafpad only has 2 dependencies, so probably is one of the best choices, unless it can’t open files as root (I don’t remember which “pad” had this issue)
xed also. It’s based on pluma as far as I know, but is lighter.

I picked Xed, the text editor that usually comes with Mint.
Interestingly enough Mint has moved away from the X-apps and towards gnome, for example they in the latest release chose Gedit instead of Xed.

Which, unless they plan to implement the Gnome window style in an upcoming release doesn’t make sense (and would be a shame, a menu bar is objectively a better design than the limited Gnome style window).


For nemo all these are installed on my Cinnamon.
xed is preinstalled also for text editor?

Screenshot from 2020-05-12 15-26-38

Screenshot from 2020-05-12 15-28-11

Yes, but in the newest iso for Linux Mint they have replaced xed with gedit.

As for the rest what I meant was that if I go into “preferred applications” the line for “File Manager” is empty and I can’t pick Nemo, it is not in the list of choices.

It should be as i have it in mine.

Screenshot from 2020-05-12 16-04-46

Edit: You are talking about Mint? Are you using EndeavourOS Cinnamon?

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Yes I am.
And yes I am.

I think you misunderstand me: I merely offered an observation (I follow mint’s reddit) and my point there was that I am suspecting they are going to adopt the Gnome design soon since they are switching apps over from traditional Cinnamon apps to gnome apps (such as moving from Xed to Gedit).


The root is not listed by default, but you can add it. Also, don’t forget that dolphin lets you type in the address bar so you can just type /boot if you prefer.

It works fine here. Just open the file as normal and when you save it you get prompted for your password.

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well, xed is a fork of pluma, which is a fork of gedit…

Yes, but the key is the window border design. One of the big selling points for Cinnamon is actually the traditional window paradigm, aka menu bar and “thin” title bar instead of the thick combined title bar / menu.

:thinking: isn’t it configurable? Although I’d better leave the discussion, as I know nothing about that anyway, for me the best window border design is no window border at all.

I am writing this from an install of EndeavourOS ARM XFCE.
lightdm login screen

Desktop screenshot

It is actually more responsive than I imagined. The only time I know that this is ARM is when large apps such as Firefox are launched. Launching isn’t terrible, but noticeable. Once launched, don’t really see a difference, as internet speed is usually the bottleneck, not CPU power.

I am not an artist. If you want different logo artwork, or different LightDM screen, I am sure volunteers could be found, On the desktop screenshot, I could not match the XFCE font, so ARM is a different font, although it makes it stand out.



Thank you! I believe I’ll add Moksha as my “fallback DE” while using Deepin.

Can anyone tell me how I can continue to install arch updates but prevebt deepin from upgrading to v20?

I have tried the new version of deepin on both my systems in v-box and they both freeze up after a very only a minute or so. Doesn’t work well like the old version did.

Congratulations for making it work!!


BTW… Would there be any way for a noob like myself to choose a custom icon for the menus? I remember such things being possible at one time with the “god code” hack in old versions of Windows, so I would assume such things are quite frequent in open-source versions of GNU/Linux.

That does depend upon the menu system of the DE. It’s been years since I used MATE, so couldn’t advise you there, but I know in Cinnamon it’s as easy as Right click the menu, click configure, click icon, choose your icon :smiley:

The closest I have figured out is the “right-click (Edit Menus)” however that does nothing for changing the little footprint icon of the MATE menu itself. I’ll keep playing around with it to see if I can figure it out as well as doing more research into it. I’m still figuring out how little I actually know, and although it seems intimidating at times… I’m too old and stubborn to give up easily. LOL Thanks for the reply, all the same. It feels good to know I’m not as far “behind the curve” as I thought I once was. LOL,

Edit: just for lols - the same question but regarding Windows menu icon and the beautiful solution for it. gotta love windows. everything is just a few clicks (and dollars) away:

There’s a lot google (edit: a.k.a. search engines) can do for you :slight_smile:

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Yeah… I try to keep google out of my life as much as possible though, seeing as how I disagree with the way corporations like Google, Facebook, and other major tech giants have basically stolen from users the last 15 years. Thanks for the lead!

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