Which DE are you using?

Yes. And there should be an Enlightenment subarea under that…

EDIT: @Bryanpwo already added the subarea! :smile:


But will there be a moksha subsection? I ask this because i3 and swap got their own sections entirely.

I find myself using XFCE more and more these days. Switching to Nemo instead of Thunar with its limited options and uglly crowded icons, and setting the qt apps like qbittorrent to the system gtk theme makes XFCE almost perfect


BTW this theme AD Blue Agave is almost the only one that can make the usefull but ugly GIMP application look decent



Just a thought about Thunar - the spacing is completely adjustable, so it need not be crowded - and the ability to add capabilities as required is pretty good too. I’d post a screenshot of mine - but I can’t get File menu to stay open for the shot…

Suffice it to say that the list includes: Create Folder, Create Document, Execute, Open Terminal here, Create symlink, Search with Catfish, Compare, Open folder as root, Ownership to root, Ownership to user, Conkywx Control Centre and, if a .png is selected, convert png to jpg and set as wallpaper etc etc. I find I miss some of these in nemo, the little I tried it - although it is pretty capable. Of course - maybe I could set those up in nemo too, I just don’t know if I can!

BTW - that DOES make gimp look better, although I find it OK in any decent dark theme.

How do you adjust the spacing of the icons in Thunar? I can only adjust the size

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Maybe @Bryanpwo can answer that.

In principal I think adding subareas is sensible only if we know people will really use it, not just because some other software has one.


I just think it odd you’ll support Enlightenment which is constantly in beta and not Moksha (which is enlightenment V17) which releases stable builds.


If there’s a real need for it, I’m of course not against it.

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Isn’t moksha one of the DEs which is very difficult to keep working under Arch because it targets Ubuntu and doesn’t keep up with current library changes very well?


There’s nothing odd about it, just ask me and it will appear :wink:


I leveled up (it’s time to stop being a total DE newb) and now using mate with i3 :sunglasses: But I can’t give my vote to mate anymore… :slightly_frowning_face:

edit: nevermind, I can. Now it’s time to stop being a forum newb as well :smile:

fwiw You have one WIndow manager in your list… i3-WM.

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I didn’t say it would be simplicity itself - but it is a (presumably) one-time thing once you have it right.

Custom CSS
For most graphical elements of Thunar (and all other gtk3 applications) , it is possible to customize them via CSS, like it is done by themes.

Here an example for Thunar 1.8.x (gtk3 based):

Create a file ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
Paste following content in this file:
Save and restart thunar (thunar -q; thunar)
* {
   -ThunarAbstractIconView-row-spacing: 70;
   -ThunarAbstractIconView-column-spacing: 30;

I expect that would be the place to start experimenting…
I keep finding that nearly everything you have a dislike for in Linux has an answer/mitigation somewhere - if you can find it. :grin:

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@freebird54 @Archnoob Mods… Should this be moved to it’s own thread? What does thunar have to do with this poll??? :question: I am confused.

Sorry if it caused any confusion - it came up as something needing to be changed out of a DE under discussion.

I had used Budgie for a while as my production DE (like most other DE’s on the list.)
I stopped using it because it bugged and glitched on me too often. As a matter of fact so did KDE and Gnome at the time I tested them (two years ago).
In the end I settled for XFCE and after tweaking it the need to DE-hop just went away :smiley:

It’s not a very exotic build I have, but I found XFCE to handle multiple monitors best out of the bunch.

I have tried Deepin a few days ago. Must say I was impressed. But after seeing Huawei has adopted it, I kinda shy away from it. Companies have their own agenda.

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Deepin version 20 is a big dissapointment, they threw their unique look overboard.

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After Unity was dropped from Ubuntu, I really started liking Plasma and Cinnamon over GNOME 3. However, just this year I’ve noticed significant improvements in the GNOME Shell and Mutter (last time I used it was 3.28) and gave it a serious shot. I literally don’t think that I could use anything else at this point…GNOME just makes workflow fun, easy, and efficient. However, I’m no longer the type of user who wants to tweak all the functionality in my desktop anymore. I really just like something simple and stable to get work done. I guess I’m getting old… :wink: :joy:

Edit: I started out on KDE 3.5 then quickly moved to GNOME 2, which I absolutely loved at the time. However, Unity became my favorite after the transition. Now, I may even prefer GNOME 3 to Unity…crazy times indeed.


yeah , deepin the html5 version had also the right menu bar later budgie introduced it also if i aint mistaken… QT5 of deepin had also the config center but probably it looked to budgie they wanna make something unique :slight_smile:

my current system is lxqt+i3wm… but stil thinking to build the i3bind to the lxqt-panel or not

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Those are my go-to’s as well. Enlightenment and Mate, welcome to the forum and I hope your enthusiasm for Enlightenment is contagious.

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