Where is Gnome 44?

I don’t know how to do conkys either. :wink:

I love doing them…I can mess around for hours getting one looking “just right” I just changed mine to another that had not been updated to my current system…changed spacing–added CPU monitors & generally updated the looks…

Did it go some where ? Like all thing interest pop when it get bump.

At end of day use what fit you . that all that matter ( no one size fit all ) it all GNU/Linux :+1:


Okay installing gnome-menus gives me the applications which is okay. But not the same as Fedora apps that is in settings.

Missing in settings is what i was referring to.

Does one need to have the gnome software store installed? What populates this panel?

I like this conky btw!


So why isn’t nothing showing up then?

You complained about the gnome-shell-extension Application Menu not being able to install, IIRR.

I am not on Gnome, therefore refraining from feeding your agenda(???) any further. :wink:


Is that not related to this? :man_shrugging:

Comparing Fedora apples with Arch pears, or what is that and this in your view? - Sorry, can’t follow. :wink:

Thank You. As for the Settings panel…I’m not sure what’s going on…Mine looks like this:

And that just is the least efficient way to get to applications…use the Applications menu or if you are using Dash to Dock—the 9 point on the left to get into the overview.

Well now the extensions have gone all buggy and are screwy.



To me it seems, your Gnome install might not be a complete Gnome install, @ricklinux .

It’s the EndeavourOS Gnome install. :man_shrugging:

…since gnome-menus was already missing, before. :wink:

Check out the ArchWiki. :wink:

Naw … I’m going back to KDE. :weary:

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“Agenda” served. :rofl:


gnome-menus is required by gnome-panel. Therefore I hereby venture to doubt your statement of…


…if you’re still true, that could be a case for the EnOS ISO-Devs. :wink:

Well it is …i just installed it in vm. I’ve installed it like a dozen times and it doesn’t change. Maybe i try it on bare metal and see. :thinking: gnome-menus was not installed!

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In case “it is” real, you could pass this insight to the EnOS-team. :wink: