i had a feeling that there is lot less activity here in EOS community than before and it is confirmed by this conversation. is this related to reduced visitors to the EOS in the last 6 months
I think it is natural for communities to shift and change over time. It is certainly true that many people who were once here no longer are. However, it is also true that there are many new users.
That being said, I don’t see this as a toxic community at all . I think that this continues to be a friendly and open community.
I think in the past, activity was generated by a small group of very active members who started many conversations and fueled others. They are mostly gone now. And I, personally, think its a change for the better. The forum was more toxic and annoying then. Fbodymechanic’s and my opinion differ in that regard.
I usually check in to the forum each day to get a read on what the current problems with Arch packages might be. It’s always helpful when multiple people start complaining about an update breaking something, that clues me into some potential problem. Most of the issues I see are user induced errors. If I don’t see anything interesting, I move on.
I have only been around for little over 2 years and don’t post that often but i do check New post section for issues or interesting posts every day going to/from work and sometimes at home.
I have not noticed any toxicity in the community but I also ignore such posts if I see them.