First of all, on your title
I notice that on Distrowatch, Endeavor OS has reached the number 3 position, quite impressive.
This is not impressive at all.
From Distrowatch Page Hit Ranking :
The DistroWatch Page Hit Ranking statistics are a light-hearted way of measuring interest in Linux distributions and other free operating systems among the visitors of this website. They correlate neither to usage nor to quality and should not be used to measure the market share of distributions. They simply show the number of times a distribution page on DistroWatch was accessed each day, nothing more.
Simply put, that distrowatch ranking is an absolute nothing-burger and I really wish the owner of that website would retire this abomination of a “statistic” at some point, as it does nothing but confuse Linux newbies that can’t come to that conclusion simply by seeing MX Linux on #1 for decades…
Now on your question, I’d say what you’re wishing for is unlikely.
That said, any laptop that comes pre-loaded with any linux distro (and does it good enough that it becomes reputable for it), will generally be perfectly fine with any other distro, as the hardware level compatibility work is usually upstreamed to the kernel itself.
So, for example, buying something from S76 and putting your distro of choice on it, should work fine. Same with, for another example, the list of Lenovo devices that do some work to be “Fedora Ready”.