lol I have to go out so I’m going to post this and be gone but I was just thinking is EnOS going to be around for a while? I didn’t know but just found out recently that EnOS isn’t that old really. Also Antergos didn’t last. How likely is it that EnOS will die out?
Very unlikely if we keep it afloat together!
And anyway, whole Arch would have to fall first, since we’re 99,99% Arch here
with distro’s never know, when that happend, you dont need to reinstall ! Arch wil stay im sure
there is 1000+ distro’s and mayby each year 10 of more stops… but also there comes some distro’s extra…
Endeavouros wil stay long as possible… but endeavoros manage currently it wil do different then Antergos.
I doubt that the EndeavourOS core developers team would rather have the project die than passing it over to whoever are willing to take over. That was not the case with Antergos, unfortunately (at least in my eyes).
EnOS is very lightweight - it’s effectively a graphical Arch installer. This minimises the maintenance burden on the EnOS devs and makes the project much more sustainable.
If EnOS did vanish then your OS will still keep working as it uses Arch at its core. If anything, you should be wanting to make sure that Arch doesn’t die out.
Isn’t EnOS basically the same as what Antergos was, as close to vanilla Arch as possible? What was the downfall for Antergos.
I love EnOS, it’s everything I want. Easy install but as close to Arch as possible. But for me it’s not just the distro it’s this community which is so important. With this community I’ve felt like I can keep this Arch based distro on my computer.
Going underground now
Antergos downfall was exactly the fact that it wasn’t as close to Arch as possible, hence EndeavourOS got that covered to mitigate such downfall, if there’s not much to maintain - there’s nowhere to fall
Best thing about EndeavourOS is community, that’s what we must preserve!
Nevertheless it still is a lot of work and shouldn’t be underestimated. @Bryanpwo makes a remark on the latest news (
With a big amount of success comes an equal amount of responsibility and it is the latter that is becoming a bit too much to handle for a small team.
In case you saw the last remark as an immediate concern, rest assured, the responsibility isn’t draining us…. yet!
But i’m also confident, that Endeavour will last! Staying close to Arch and thus keeping the work as “minimal” as possible helps for sure.
The Devs have to keep the lights on, so donating money will also be a good way to keep EnOS afloat, to whoever can.
I use a certain logic when deciding to donate. I figure (loosely) what value EnOS delivers in terms of ‘entertainment’ time and engagement, and then dedicate an amount of my entertainment budget to donation. Recently I dropped some features from my TV package (unused recently!) and freed up some more…
Please don’t joke about that. That’s like my worst fear at this point. I finally have a computer I understand!
I’m sorry for the light sarcastic tone I’m going to answer this, but thank you for down talking our request in our latest post…
Yes, EndeavourOS is very close to Arch and it is the Arch team that does the heavy lifting. However, this doesn’t mean that the task our core dev team is doing goes without struggle.
One of our founding members, Fernando, can’t be as much hands on with the project after the November release and his work is actually a large percentage of the foundation of this distro.
We are looking for people who are willing to help us out and make the workload lighter,
I’m sorry - I didn’t see that.
I don’t think I said that. And in fairness, if the team is struggling then perhaps you should reconsider what you are doing or your approach to doing it?
By doing what, exactly? I guess I’ll find the post you mention and see what help you need.
However, creating more offline installers, or supporting large numbers of ARM boards, isn’t helping to reduce the maintenance burden - if you extend the project scope then you are going to create more work for yourselves. That’s just inevitable.
Read the post and what more offline installers are you talking about? We never talked about that and it is not in the pipeline either.
This sort of defensiveness doesn’t help.
Let me give a concrete example.
The project started supporting ARM boards in September and then two months later you write in your post that the workload is too great for the current team.
You also wrote that you are adding a pre-configured i3 BSPWM as an installer option. It is one step from that to make another offline installer (and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that request here on the forum).
Someone on the forum said EnOS does not provide (or aim to provide) driver tooling, and yet there is nvidia-installer
What I’m trying to point out is that you are in the process of “project scope creep” - you are doing more than you initially set out to, and then wondering why it is taking more work.
I’d recommend you spend some time as a team discussing a road map for the project for exactly what your goals are over the next three, six, and 12 months. Then, identify where effort is being spent and how the goals can be supported.
Once you know what you are aiming to do, and what help you need, then you can effectively ask (or “advertise”) for help - along with the roadmap.
If you don’t want EnOS to be another Antergos, or Manjaro, or Garuda, then don’t be one - but then also make sure that you are happy with EnOS being an “enhanced” graphical Arch installer.
Why is it so hard for you to commit to something…oh wait yeah that…
What are you talking about? We just requested if people are interested in helping with CALAMARES, that is the workload of the main dev team, and the other one is ARM, which is lead by Pudge as a community contribution that was added to the project.
The WM option you talk about is BSPWM, which like ARM, is a community contribution, lead and maintained by community members. By the time that one is finished, it will be an option in the online installer.
Obviously you are making assumptions here, without really taking all the right info. What did we do to you to react like this? I mean you offered to help us with the wiki, we gave you access and after that it became very quiet in that area. Instead, you’re sitting on your high horse and tell us what to do, without actually doing something?!?
Actually, I was asked whether my FAQ posts could be reposted on your Wordpress pages, I said yes, then was told that I should post them and weeks later an account was eventually created.
Feel free to delete the Wordpress account, I’m not going to be using it.
I have to learn not to give advice to people who don’t want it.
Maybe if you were on the forum more you’d see how I was spending my time here?
Ah, this is all sounding very familiar. This really does answer the question:
Well, let’s end this back and forth game, then. The Linux community is big enough for all of us. If you don’t like it, move on.