What application have you recently discovered?

I had the same issue. There’s a workaround. I think it can be found on AUR.

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Unluckily, I couldn’t find any workaround. I guess I missed something, when searching.

My brother showed me zotero this week, an application to make citations. Surprisingly it’s FOSS, very useful if you are studying.


By default, garuda uses bash as the user’s default shell and then sets fish as the shell in the terminal.

Of course, the garuda assistant lets you set whichever shell you want as the default.

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Such a nice thread. Much to learn an check out.
This is really simple one but just perfect for what I need:

When I take screenshots, I never want to capture the whole screen or window, I always want to select a distinct area. Also, I never annotate, and I really don’t want to even “save” them anywhere. I just want to get them straight to my clipboard, so I can paste them somewhere fast and easy.
So this, behind a hotkey, does just that and nothing more:

scrot -s '/tmp/%F_%T_$wx$h.png' -e 'xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png -i $f'

Vimium was mentioned here, and it’s great! Not really sure why I chose Tridactyl instead. I remember Vimium being somehow ‘cleaner’ though, but maybe I missed some feature. Tridactyl is only for Firefox, so Vimium is probably better if you use Chromium also. Don’t know if this is in Vimium, but in Tridactyl you can Ctlr+I in a text field to write and edit that in Vim proper! Niceee


Zotero’s great. I’ve used it for years and have thousands of entries. I couldn’t do my work without it.

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Got all dependencies installed? python2 glib2 popt

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I think you think of system utilities the most. I haven’t found anything new lately because I’ve had enough of my system. Although I only recently started using the Plank dock because I wanted to give my desktop a bit of a macOS look. What, however, should not be missing after a new installation: Double Commander, Krusader, Htop, Bleachbit.

Yes, I too use zotero


Stumbled upon Krohnkite today. Not really an application, but a KWin script for automatic window tiling. With minimal testing so far… seems great! Saves me just a bit of time, no need to use keyboard shortcuts because the windows get tiled automatically and I can just drag and drop them. Great!

Bismuth is a fork and is more up-to-date than Krohnkite.


It also works well on wayland.

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This doesn’t install from the “Get new…” or manually as the github page suggests.

At work, so on windows, but there should be an aur package or go to the github page and follow the simple instructions.



Aur version worked. :+1:

I installed it via systemsettings → kwin-scripts (some time ago).
Might be, that I downloaded it in advance and then installed it via installation with local file.
Worked flawlessly. So I guess both ways should work.

It has been updated to version 2, needs some TLC :smiley:

OMG :open_mouth: As a new “hard-code” neovim user, this is eff-ing amazing!

Huh, this looks kind of neat as a GUI for system monitoring tools.
Particularly for those who don’t like to always do things in terminal.

System Monitoring Center - https://github.com/hakandundar34coding/system-monitoring-center