We need your help bringing Endeavour to the next stage

There are a lot of people there that know their stuff. Unfortunately they are rather arbitrary as to whom they will assist! I thought I had it figured how to ask a question there, but got shot (and shut) down real quick - they thought the system it was for wasn’t ‘real Arch’ - even though it was. Apparently I had done something with it they wouldn’t, which made it seem it wasn’t command-line installed… too bad. They have a great system, but they do sometimes get testy!

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Ya. I’ll never get a question answered over there. I don’t care enough anymore. Archfi is so close and saves so much typing and I can’t really miss a step, I’ll never bother doing another “proper” install.


That is the height of arrogance in my opinion. It goes with the mentality of the forum to be honest.

I just logged out and removed all my cookies. Still could access the forum.

Doesn’t change my opinion about the forum attitude to newbies though.


I didn’t even think to mention the fact raspian which is used on the majority of all raspberry pi devices is lxde with some cosmetic differences.

Indeed. But how many people replace raspbian by another OS like LibreElec or OSMC?

My conclusion was too hasty, I thought it was like that because certain members over here couldn’t open the link and @Resiliencia and @FredBezies could.


No worries, it was probably a justified conclusion :smiley:


You don’t have to apologize. Nobody’s perfect :smiley:


Me too. I won’t bother again.

My two cents…

I think IceWM would be a neat option to implement, and light enough too, since it’s just one package (although xdg_menu may be a good option to include too, since it seems quite easy to configure).

The docs are quite clear as well.

Out of the options already given though, I would vote for Enlightement.

Much thanks for all your efforts guys!


I vote for not listed, but desirable AwesomeWM!


  1. Not bloated (Basically extended DWM)
  2. Can use both tiling and normal floating windows (with or without frames)
  3. It can look and feel like THAT! :heartbeat:


So, to me first distro who would dare to implement it with that level of appearance / design - will beat the crap out of KDE / Deepin, because it’s way more stable and simple :slightly_smiling_face:


Personally – stretching my imagination - waybox has not reached sol …Start of Life; seems like not entered birth canal right way round yet so would not waste much time.
As the owner said way on back in 2019 - “Currently, it does not do much as I am working and haven’t really had the drive to work on this…” Sounds just like Wayland itself to me. At recent conference they agreed need to fix age old problem of the compositor crashing and loosing all the user’s data…. :scream: OMG please don’t mention Major Bugs like the age old dual or multi monitor issues etc etc. :roll_eyes: :wink:
12 years and Wayland still not ready… Ooooops :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :wink:

Is this pure gobbledygook…? :crazy_face:

How is your eye :eye: :grin: :eyeglasses: :wink:

Are you sure? Maybe they have had time by now as this thread is approaching two years old from the last response.

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How about Pantheon?

Screenshot from 2022-02-07 19-22-57

Screenshot from 2022-02-07 19-17-19

Screenshot from 2022-02-07 19-18-34

Screenshot from 2022-02-07 19-18-16


Pantheon is the desktop environment of elementary OS. It is written in Vala, using GTK 3 and Granite.