The UK parliament passed bill to outlaw encryption

Those are great reasons why people falsely believe this will help or fix anything. I beg of you, please look at history for reference to what is currently happening. This isn’t new. YouTube and the news are definitely causing you to miss what is really happening.


Why begging?

He formed his opinion on it, he knows perfectly well that running something from let’s say Microsoft connected to cloud inside his CPU is NOT a good thing, just read his own posts from 2020 here.

When you add things like “IT WILL SAVE THE CHILDREN!!!111” in the mix - his opinion changes dramatically, so their emotion / fear tactics worked just fine in that case.

There is no point in trying to circular persuade someone for the 100th time.

P.S. As well as in reverse Rick. :wink:

We all know perfectly well exactly what we’re discussing, no amount of dis- / mis- / baseless and other buzzterms will change the facts of life. Gaslighting doesn’t work when object of it knows about it.


I have to have at least a glimmer of hope we can turn this disaster around. . .

Ugh. You’re right. I don’t know what got into me. For some reason I actually had some hope left. I should have known better.


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That one is perfect :joy: :joy:

That could be my new Avatar


So what now?
Sadly i can not do much aside from closing.
Stay on topic, do not offend, others no politics.
Said that not only once.
Let this open will only lead to more of all the 3 things we simply do not want here by our rules.

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