The UK parliament passed bill to outlaw encryption

Of course, you can forget about it. While even an idiot could do this, they are unfortunately, not motivated to learn about it.

The point is that criminals, at least the clever ones are capable and very motivated to do so. And the government does not care about catching petty criminals, especially in the UK, where approximately 96% of all car thefts do not result in any jail time.

Exactly my point why only law abiding citizens will be spied on by this law.


Yeah once i’ve lost almost all of my former social surrounding because of exclusively using Session / Signal to communicate :rofl:
After such laws i’ll loose all of the rest of them, big deal! :clown_face: :earth_africa:

That’s the whole point. A man who is alienated from his social circle is utterly incompetent to do anything except be a puppet for the regime. He is even incompetent of thinking straight. Man is a social animal, he needs a social circle just like he needs food and water.

We are already so alienated from each other, that we are almost incapable of communicating in person. People sit in the same office space, less than 2 metres from each other, yet they prefer to have online meetings via Zoom or Teams. Social networks have made us anti-social – they should be called anti-social networks.

And the criminals and political extremists will still manage to have their social circles and support networks, they will just be trapped in them, criminals in their gangs, political extremists in their cultish echo chambers, their contact with the outside world severed, rendering them incapable of any redemption.

The future is not looking good.


No it isn’t looking good. It would probably be better if a huge meteorite hit the planet and wiped out all technology, so that we can start rebuilding a new society and make better choices this time.

The toothpaste is already out of the tube. The industrial revolution happened, there is no going back. Even a disaster like a meteorite strike could not undo it.

The only way forward is to convince most people around you that they should sacrifice the convenience of modernity for the values of yesteryear, and scare them poopless of what now seems like inevitable future. The chances of managing to pull that off are negligible.


I’d argue, with current ideas, probably the rebuilt version of post-apocalypse Matrix will be much worse, because tyrants won’t make same mistakes twice.

Perhaps that’s exactly why tyrants are causing one small apocalypse after another.

If that meteorite kills 90% of life on earth the chance will be maybe a bit higher.

We are heading towards a future pictured in this movie.

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The saddest part is how many people actually think this is a good idea. It’s so unbelievably terrible, and yet. . . People are so gullible. I just don’t see turning this Titanic around. My misanthropy is really high today.

Getting people to see things as they are it’s so much more difficult than it should be and I don’t really understand why.

Tom Scott raises your point on this video here. What may be legal now, might not be in 10, 20 years, and sometimes people don’t even know what they’re doing is illegal or that they’re being spied on.

I can’t say whether this applies to the recent stuff but this is a really good video nonetheless.


There will always be a way to bypass that.

First one that comes to my mind is, create an ipsec/openvpn/wireguard tunnel to someone you want to send your messages to.
Send him a .txt file, or create a very simple messaging app to do it while connected to this VPN.

You would use TCP/443 for that VPN, which they wouldn’t be able to just block.

What would be their next step? To block VPN? That would imply in an IPS to sniff connections in TCP port 443 to check, a very powerful IPS to sniff everybody. Or a proxy.

Where this would get us ? The great firewall ?

Edit: You can create a lot of tunnels, site to site, and send a message to everyone you want to.
You could use OSPF to route between peers…

Conclusion: This law won’t work, people that has a know how will be able to bypass it easily.
Criminals will remain hidden from law and only normal people will be spied on.

Edit: You could use Tailscale for that purpose, so people while on the street would be connected to all peers…

This is by far the most important post in this thread. Literally anyone and everyone who doesn’t understand this needs to watch this.

What they certainly want is hardware based backdoors, independent of OS

All future CPUs will be backdoored on both mobile and PC market (some already are), you can’t remove or fix CPU of your device.

Unless i miss something, the only way around that would be to use fully FOSS hardware + software like RISC-V + GNU/Linux, and be 100% sure that your contact using the same as well - otherwise you don’t have secure communication if one side will be completely deciphered on hardware level - both sides are in danger.

Hm, the law is asking messaging apps for a backdoor, right ?
That sounds to me a software based backdoor only.

Yeah, for now, but you wait - they’ll use Pluton or something alike, Apple devices do it right now - scanning user text and files, like in that law.

keylogger ?
Apple is doing it since Iphone 8 and newer, at least according to Rob Braxman Tech

I think there is always going to be a way to circumvent that, using old devices, using something to encrypt messages before you put them on your phone and things like that.

Yeah they use some kind of AI software which is tied to hardware…Since Apple devices are walled garden they could “get away” with that, because you can’t install Linux on Apple phone :rofl:

They’ll die eventually, you won’t be able to obtain one or it’s components in the future.

Won’t work if hardware based backdoor will scan everything BEFORE you encrypt and will read whatever you receive as decrypted - which is the point.

The only way it would work if you would do the signing on some secure device before it even gets to such infected device…kinda like @Kresimir mentioned, but no sane person will be able to use that.