Should Linus(LTT) Pick Endeavour as his Daily Driver?

Haha people want to see Gentoo gaming performance for sure.


They talked of their first experience for about an hour on the WAN Show Friday. It looks like Linus is using KDE and had a lot of issues while Luke seemed to have a fun time. :sweat_smile:

Honestly, for a guy like Linus that hasn’t used Linux that much, but is tech-savy I say pop is the better choice to begin with. It’s easier to start out, and a good introduction. Endeavour is nice, and I love it, but it’s some tinkering to get to where you want it. Linus is a person that wants to be efficient and is not the most patient person in the world. Endeavour is for someone with experience, and someone that does not fear to tinker around a bit to make it his own. I love the freedom it gives, but it’s pretty overwhelming in the beginning.

I can see him starting with pop and transitioning to something else tho.

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Sounds like he have not chosen Red Star OS - which is his last mistake! :north_korea:


Kim will be very sad :sleepy:

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well you could just as well code everything you need yourself. you can also run almost any piece of software on windows :slight_smile:

on a more serious note, adding a ppa for each application, or manually downloading and compiling software from source is cumbersome and time-wasting. add to this the maintenance hurdle of keeping all that manually installed software up to date.

of course AUR is a convenience matter. but it’s extremely convenient :slight_smile:

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Just found this on Twitter:




oh dear :wink:

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Trying to read his mind: “What am I even doing? I don’t need this. I was happy in my Windows Land siphoning away data to M$.”


It is my OCD. But can’t help being fixated on what’s that green thing on the back of his chair. :frog:

It must get in the way when leaning onto it.

Most likely some KDE related headaches.

If you don’t want to use a tiling WM or tiling script, I haven’t found a great solution on Linux for handling a single large monitor.

The fact that there is software for Windows that lets you carve up a display like that into multiple monitors is nice if you prefer a stacking experience.

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I caught them gaming today (on Linux) and listened in a bit. My impression was: oh boy, this is going to be a barn burner. - Maybe it’s a good idea to stay away from Linux related social media for a few days after their video drops. :rofl:

Facepalming Nvidia driver :rofl:

Where do you watch them? Cant find it in linux tech tips.

LTT has a twitch channel, but it doesn’t keep vids:

I was just waking up with my mug of coffee behind my laptop, doing the daily maintenance for the project. So, I stumbled upon this thread and that got me to the LTT forum. (Funny how things can bring you somewhere… :wink:)

Anyway, I saw a comment on a thread over there that covers the same subject and it made me smile from ear to ear.

This is all you!!! :medal_sports:

LTT forum


They had an update on the WAN show today and Linus had some struggles with Minecraft Dunegons.

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He could just ask EndeavourOS forum… :smirk:
We’d solve his problems in about 1-20 minutes.

P.S. Except insane decision to buy something from M$ store :rofl: