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That camera is a memory from my childhood :slightly_smiling_face: It is what drew me to the wallpaper.




I kill with love! :wink:
Naw, actually Orca is a human character in a scifi novel I once wrote but never finished. And sheā€™s my avatar in Second Life, which I also play on Linux.

I found Mate always to be more versatile and with heaps more customizing options than the rather primitive Xfce. Iā€™d place it at #2 behind KDE in that regard. Then Cinnamon on #3, followed in some distance by Xfce on #4 and then all the other oh-so-pretty but badly dysfunctional desktops.

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Funny thing - Iā€™d change the order somewhatā€¦ :grin:

  1. XFCE - more customizable than most, and more reliable
  2. Cinnamon - could be learned, and could be used
  3. MATE - old-school, but generally capable.
  4. KDE - pretty, but does everything its own way -with it own apps
  5. Gnome - going a direction I donā€™t want to go - with too many extensions needed to provide what I have decided (!) are basics
  6. The rest, including KDE - pretty butā€¦

I wonā€™t say more - no rants here :grin:

I wonder why that is?



My working/uni notebook, which I use to discover EOS at the moment. When the semester is over, Iā€™ll probably also go :enos: on my desktop machineā€¦

Definitely not everything one can get out of Xfce, but for the moment I am quite satisfied. Work in progess :upside_down_face:


Itā€™s summer in sweden, so I made a seasonal change. This is what it looks likeā€¦

Screen Capture_select-area_20200715113818


This is summer in Sweden?!

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You might change it into Summer in Northern Europeā€¦ :rofl:


Itā€™s what we refer to as ā€œsummerā€. :pensive:


Thatā€™s true!

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I actually love that kind of ā€œsummerā€, although I had some very sunny and warm weeks in mid-Sweden in summer 2019


Been mostly sunny in Finland. Recently we got some heavy rain, which is lovely!

Changed my background from Lukeā€™s view to the Mandalorian. Loved the show! They managed to capture the Star Wars feel and humour very well. mandalorian


In my opinion, Xfce is indeed the most customizable and stable. KDE is nice, especially for those migrating from Windows, but it has some childhood diseases that still exist today. GNOME was easy to use and more configurable many years ago, and today it is robust. Mate has a more usable and lighter interface, but is also less customizable. Cinnamon is also useful for Windows users who want to migrate to Linux, similar to KDE, but for more powerful machines. I would also mention LXQt, which is similarly stable as Xfce, perhaps less customizable, but requires even less machine resources.


Less customizable than what? And what do you mean by ā€œcustomizationā€? :thinking: Theming? The amount of packages/extensions? Settings? My approach to DEs is always very minimalistic, but Iā€™ve found Mate quite flexible and user friendly. Iā€™ve even been using it with i3wm for some time, it was easy to set up if I remember right.
And it was my first DE when I switched from Windows to Linux, so itā€™s good for that too I guess :slight_smile:

I guess weā€™ll see again shortly - Iā€™m doing a metal install of EOS MATE with the new release, and Iā€™ll see if it can match up to the customization I routinely achieve in XFCEā€¦

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Without a doubt that you can do it, Mate is often seen as a gnome filler and they do not know that it is much more than that. I fimo it to the foot.

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Well - so far I have been stymied in some things. Perhaps those more knowledgeable can point me in the right directionsā€¦

  1. I know theming is sort of off-limits in this, but I canā€™t set the DPI anywhere Iā€™ve found in MATE. Significant oversight on 3840x2160 screens (I run with 120 dpi usually)
  2. On a related note - canā€™t set the window elements sizing either - makes for small top bars and min, max, and close buttons. Let alone a separate ā€˜lookā€™
  3. File manager only seems findable via Places - but no biggie there.
  4. File manager does not have settings for many thing I regularly use - such as ā€˜open dir as rootā€™, ā€˜edit file as rootā€™, multi-monitor wallpaper setting, make .jpg out of .png files etc etc. Iā€™m pretty sure nemo (cinnamon) can do this, as can nautilus in gnome.
  5. Terminal does have some settings (open tab, open terminal etc) but I donā€™t see any way to make it into a drop-down terminal. Something I like having waiting with 3 commonly used tabs openā€¦
  6. Didnā€™t see a way to swap wallpapers on the flyā€¦

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll find more if I keep looking to set it up, but first has to be to re-organize the menu system - I assume thatā€™s still possible? Got some category changes to make :grin:

I donā€™t have much experience with mate. I know quake terminal works well with it. It is a drop down by default. It is usually bound to F12 I also beleive the tray icon and settings pop up match the default mate themeing if I remember correctly.

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Yeah - but I would probably just fill the gaps with xfce stuff - the quake thing (if I remember correctly) stays locked to the top of the screen, and itā€™s opened only there.

Are we off-topic yet? :grin:

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