Share Your Desktop

Meanwhile I decided to do something wild – try to live in a tiling WM as a form of experiment.
So on Sunday I installed EOS on my VM and moved my lazy :peach: to configure BSPWM.

How it’s going so far? Well… it’s painful. Switching to keyboard-driven layout was tough but I got used to simple keybindings. I riced the desktop to feel myself a little nicer. Still, the biggest adventures are with Polybar and Vim. Especially the latter is P.I.T.A. if you’re accustomed to Nano.

Am I going to switch to this setup permanently on bare metal? Dunno. But since it’s the “share your desktop” thread, grab a few screenshots from the BSPWM play:

(I decided not to blur the IP address off as it’s the VM setup and I haven’t really surfed the net from it)


Hooray for BSPWM! Hope it works out well for you. I’ve been using it for a few years now and really like it.

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Thank you.
Actually, the rice is still WIP, as there are still some touches and things to be introduced, but I hope it will be finished around… Christmas I guess lol


A good rice is always somewhat in process. Sounds like it would be a nice Christmas present to yourself, so aim for that timing!

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Using Lenny the Borg, I made an image to use in my Fastfetch configuration. :crazy_face: :vulcan_salute:

If you want to use it, it’s available here:


A few changes with my set-up. Changed system font and terminal font. Changed default terminal from Tilix to Kitty. Tinkered with my Fastfetch configuration. New wallpaper.


Finally i hawe almost compllet setup of , Endeavour OS with nwg-shell on hyprland …
This evening i will post some screenshot (have ben fighting with not saved images last night and youst before sleep i find the problem → 10 bit colors on display → after switching to 8bit finaly a got to save images with hyprshot.)

But i have fastly made wallpaper for it … if somebody can create something smiliar wit better yousage of Hypaeralnd logo and nwg-shell → please post it here i will use it for my desktop :slight_smile:


EndeavourOS Cinnamon


Nice. That’s still an internal IP address on your LAN, so you’re safe :slight_smile:

Naa, wouldn’t say they sound better but different.
For many types of music the gluing/warming-effect is unfavorable.

almost all stuf from nwg-shell , nwg-hello , with hyprland , on minimal endeavour OS … im working wit direfent GTK theme , if it will look good i will update later :slight_smile:


love the new claim under the logo :robot:


theme update … now it look better :slight_smile:

And common hyprland with .dots is easy :smiley: … solve all the problems with this to get it all working good was lots of work but funn … and the developer of nwg-shell is realy helpful :slight_smile: … i lerned a lot during the way :smiley: .
And under 900packages :smiley:

how much stuff there …

EDIT: yeh even maintaing 24/7 NAS/TV/KODI/*torrent box under endeavour :slight_smile: is easy :slight_smile:



It’s Autumn, so had to get a wp that suits the season. Plus I love Calvin & Hobbes.


Some klassy tweaks, window decoration and application style,
Set konsole colorscheme and kate editor colorscheme to Nord colors
Peaky Blinder Cap on Fastfetch :sunglasses:


That is awesome! Love the whole theme throughout.

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Thank you mate, much appreciated :sunglasses:

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I went full-on Star Trek mode! :vulcan_salute: