I finally have my Arch install on my laptop just how I want. Minor tweaking with the Breeze theme. I think for the smaller screen real estate on my 2021 15.6" Samsung Galaxy Book Pro, going with just one panel at the bottom looks good and feels right.
removed labwc got bored
hyprland , nwg-panel rofi-menu also for the background changes of swww
rest waybar as a dock left is a drawer i had waybar when i want to hide
A poem for You:
.conf file.
I have
for that clock
my life.
It will complete me.
(Re-reading this I can see W. Shatner reading it. Easily. Anyway this is how I viewed perfection and no matter how many analog clock conkys I have procured nothing was ever in this ballpark. If this is a KDE creation I will be stunned.)
I like simple!
That clock is one of the default widgets/plasmoids that come with KDE
yuck. thanks
I’m greatly amused by how it went from life completing to yuck
Did you ask for another poem? I got one! Delivered in the voice of William Shatner:
I don’t think I was clear
when I was typing here
That clock rocks my socks off
like a cold one after a long day.
or a short one. and days that end with Y.
With my socks knocked off
and the cold one at the end
and boot up with that nifty clock
I was suddenly reminded
that every K package I’ve ever
introduced to a non-KDE operating system
resulted in burning it down
or severe trauma
and massive borkage
and evil Baloo
and Kwallet which needs to mind its own business,
and other K-angels of destruction;
ptsd; chroot
& napalm.
So it’s just my luck/
hence the ‘yuck.’
Groovy, cat
Back on my Arch laptop today…
Tweaked the Breeze/Breeze Twilight theme a bit.
Moved to Fluent Dark icon set
Utilizing Panel Colorizer
Changed wallpaper.
you got further than me with a NuTyx install. Love tinkering with the *-init distros. Always love the speed. Openbox?
I love JWM wish there was an endeavour community edition (aur only right now). I installed this ‘hobby’ distro–no need to slander it. Yet. It uses JWM. But so many things in the JWM (right-click) menu don’t even function it turned out really sad. Must delete soon. Hope Nutyx offers better JWM support. thanks for getting back
- Just a couple changes on my EOS Desktop. Minor tweaking with Klassy settings, experimenting more with Panel Colorizer, changed wallpaper.
That look really speaks to me - don’t suppose your configs are somewhere accessible?