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I can agree on Mint being a solid non-Arch distro, it detected my HP printer on hand, while on MX I had to install and configure HPLIP for that case.
And it’s the best option for non-technical users, I think.



Decided to make my whole theme a little more Endeavoury

This particular TF is Astrotrain, who turns into a very on-brand space shuttle…… and also a train :laughing:


I’ve got my Linux Mint laptop set up just as I want it… for now. :grinning:


Back on the MacMini desktop. Minor Klassy tweaks (went back to a more square window, eliminating the rounded feel), changed icons to Amy-Dark, new wallpaper.


Fully agree, if I didn’t have Plasma, I’d be on Cinnamon. I’m thinking of putting Mint on my old rig, that’s been sitting gathering dust for a while. An i7-6700k Skylake 4Ghz build from 2015 with 32GB of DDR4. Still a monster in its own right. I have the feeling Mint would fly.


Yeah, went back to the standard setup for the default dock. The global menu was getting annoying and I remembered why I hated macOS back in my HS days. The icons are papirus icons, in the main extra repo and the folders are yaru theme with the papirus-folders aur package.

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The font is jungleranger. I use it on everything, including my android phone.


Love that font. :heart_eyes:

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Back to “old-school” for launchers, - using the Quicklaunch widget, alongside the Icons & Text task manager, which makes far more sense for me.

Klassy for window decorations, - by far the most user-friendly window decoration I’ve found. Icons are Qogir Dark, - just a really clean set that fits for dark mode especially.

Still blown away by how flexible Plasma is, there’s very little I can’t do with it. The Icons & Text task manager has been set to cover two rows when needed. Just waiting for the cube animation to return to the virtual desktop switching effect, and everything’s perfect!


Simple Breeze and Klassy Window Decorations


Setting up Nothing with Yaru Icons. Not that bad :sunglasses:


Turns out I didn’t really need Dash to Panel. Don’t even need a Dock on my desktop now. :wink:

Inter Regular 11, no hinting, standard (grayscale) antialiasing, 1.0 scaling factor. Qogir icon theme.

I finally laid Black Box Terminal to rest and fully switched to Ptyxis after it got added to the Fedora repo. While I loved the aesthetics of Black Box more, I really value Ptyxis’ integration with containers. Seamless switching between my Arch distrobox (default terminal experience) and host terminal.

Super satisfied with how everything is working. Just right for my needs (I still switch the wallpaper once every week though!), terminal bling and functions all set up, update services scheduled perfectly… My desk is also better-organized now. Now I just need a 29" 2560x1080 display to replace my ancient 21.5" LG. :eyes:


It’s amazing the lengths we go thru to find icon themes that fit our personalty or style but I always return to plain yaru, breeze, humanity, adwaita cursors----there was nothing wrong with these old suites and there is nothing wrong now. I love 'em.


While I really like Linux Mint Cinnamon on my laptop a lot, I just can’t stay away from EOS and/or Arch. So, I went ahead and installed Arch just to see if I could still do it. It’s been more than a year since I did it. After installing and configuring last evening, and themeing and tweaking today; my freshly installed Arch on my Samsung Galaxy Book Pro laptop…


Is there a reason why you did not install a cinnamon desktop on your arch installation? Only asking just because you like linux mint cinnamon (I still would like a linux mint with KDE again).

You are absolutely right. Sometimes the icons don’t work with the set colorscheme, sometimes a few icons are missing. I have only had good experiences with the classic yaru or breeze

For a change I used CWM, OpenBSD’s default window manager. Hope you like it :slight_smile:


Minimal, clean. Looks great in the eyes of this beholder.


thanks! I think I’ll leave my ricing journey here, unless I gather the confidence to learn widgetery :slight_smile:

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