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Back on the desktop. Changed icons to Fluent, minor Klassy tweaks, changed bottom panel to transparent, new wallpaper.


I feel like I’m cheating on KDE, well, erm, I am, maybe just a summer fling but I’m liking it.
#SummerLovin :kissing_closed_eyes:
My Endeavour logo is there via the Desktop Logo extension. :enos_flag: :enos:



Did you switch to Plasma, I thought you were still a Gnome user?

I am still :wink:

However, I do have an Arch Plasma install which I keep updated and occasionally use.

It is minimally customized and I practically only change the wallpaper and the accent color from time to time.


LOVE IT!! :enos: :enos_flag:


introducing my first Cinnamon.
Dilemma: Cinnamon doesn’t let users shorten the panel like you can in XFCE. too much dead real estate at the top.
Haven’t been without Plank in years. If a dock existed that included system applets as well as open app icons I’d be in heaven…wait…that’s called a panel.
Worked hard at stripping it down.
I love Cinnamon; was hitting the ceiling with LXDE. I read that deep in the source code is the answer…I will find a way to minimize that bar.
UNLESS? I could just install a bar the WM/s use and dump default?
Still playing obviously. Love the smell of new DE in the morning. Ciao for now and cheers


There’s a transparent panels extension I use (Extensions in settings). It can be set to only apply to one panel, which is what I did. Here’s how mine looks for the bottom panel, I chose transparent with shadow)…


omg I was wondering what I had for a compositor as you had to have picom for lxde. I see the ‘Transparent Panels’ at the top of the list. I even see the compiz one and another one called “Opacify Windows”
–wonderful Uncle, thank you!

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I aim to please. :wink:

I love Cinnamon for my laptop use. KDE, while my favorite DE, is a bit much on a smaller screen, IMHO. Cinnamon for me is a nice middle ground between Gnome and KDE. On a laptop I feel claustrophobic with pure Gnome. KDE is just too much. Cinnamon is 100% on point. At least for me. And between extensions and applets, Cinnamon is a dream on a laptop.


My six months on Void challenge continues.


Thanks mate. :blush:

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@Noodly thanks, this is pretty neat :enos_flag:

Transparent Panel, Still Greeze Colorscheme, no floating panel


I know it is not like by many people, but I think breeze for KDE can look nice if you enable coloured title bars and install an auto day-night theme switcher like koi.

Here are the light mode ones:


that’s the part part where Snake starts pulling out the cassette tape in-between the president’s speech and where Lee Van Cleef says “so you going to kill me now, Plissken?” and Snake says “No, I’m too tired.”
Pairs nicely with The Thing for a great afternoon/evening. I digress. Carryon. --DrunkenMovieNerd


Thanks mate :enos_flag: :v:

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Returning to my favorite non-Arch distro. Mint just works. And works great on my 2021 Samsung Galaxy Book Pro. As I’ve eluded to in a few threads recently, Cinnamon is a laptop’s best friend… at least IMHO. For me, it’s fits nicely in between KDE and Gnome. And Mint really is a rock solid Linux distro.


I might play with cinnamon this week if I find myself at a loose end, I do enjoy making things minimal sometimes.

I keep toying with the idea of getting into something with tiling instead just for fun, but the few times I’ve investigated the various options I’ve decided I just don’t have the screen real estate (17.3” laptop) to want to have everything upfront all at once, nor the workflows to justify it since I’m usually only actually doing anything useful in one window at a time :laughing:.

In a hypothetical future where I move back to a desktop setup and go to an ultrawide monitor, perhaps, but for now I’ll be keeping it simple.


In general, I’m just not a tiling window fan. The few times I tried tiling on my laptop (15.6"), it made no sense for the same screen real estate reasons you mentioned. Though, after trying several times with tiling on my desktop, I decided it’s just not for me. For a traditional desktop experience on a laptop, Cinnamon is perfect for me.


At this point in my Linux “maturity” where I am really eager to stretch my learning and have been enchanted by WM/TM’s –
–so a month ago I install BSPWM…it’s like so many WM/TM’s-
-to even make it functional you have to go out and install all the things a classic DE has…compositing, panel bar, etc etc-
-what’s worse…you have to mostly write you own dam* .conf files to make the packages work and config yourself.
What was the point I asked myself of having a minimal desktop then? I’m not smart enough for that. Or LFS. I have installed Arch the Arch way once. and done TTY installs like Alpine etc so I’m a little smart. Not WM/TM smart yet.
Then there’s this weird IN-BETWEEN category I don’t even know the name of: half desktop half WM which I consider openbox and it’s ilk. I don’t hate openbox just too predictable.
But I love that category. I d-hopped enough to LOVE JWM and FLUXBOX (openbox types). That’s where I think I will wander another time for a hobby D.

Meanwhile I LOVE :heart: Cinnamon and got to spend all day in it. Get it where you need it and it’s completely responsive and unobtrusive.
Found some insane purple Chandra galaxy pics today and some wild Venus and Mercury pics. this is either from Messenger or Mariner.