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You can make xfce-terminal look like that. Go to preferences. Under General tab change ‘scrollbar is’ to remove scroll bar. Under appearance tab uncheck ‘display border around new windows’ . Also disable menubar



I’m currently using just i3wm (no DE) with termite as terminal, no frills :slightly_smiling_face:


Was just curious

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Could be possible to remove colors ? a pure one black & white ?

this is default it schows folders in another color rest is b-w

but can be everything:


It’s amazing what you pick up when cruising the forums…
I’ve been in the habit of switching gnome-terminal in to most situations, being old means distrusting change someitmes! It has always worked well for me, and I’ve been on it as a default since Ubuntu 6.06. Termite doesn’t seem to have a scroll bar (I have a habit of cat’ing text files, and scrolling through rather than editing or less’ing them in the absence of a file viewer as good as the one I wrote back on AmigaDOS). However, it looks like xfce-terminal may have some things I would wish to have… once I learn to configure it!



i do like terminator also:


Somehow this just doesn’t seem as impressive! :grinning:


Oh well…



it’s scrollable with Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down and Shift+Page Up/Down and even with mouse wheel :smiley:

Again, it may be a configuration issue. I couldn’t get it to scroll with the mouse, and hadn’t tried the shift keys with PgUp and PgDown. Capabilities are wonderful things, but I need them to be easily discoverable (did I mention getting old :grin:)


That’s weird that it’s not scrollable with mouse… I don’t remember configuring that :thinking:

Anyways, there should be those lines in ~/.config/termite/config

# "off", "left" or "right"
scrollbar = off

allowing to set up a scroll bar (I just discovered it :slightly_smiling_face: )

Quite a different setup to the one I ran into - no mention of scrollbar, or of things you can do - just lotsa stuff about color settings and transparency and ‘hints’. Oh well I am not short of RAM anyway!


:innocent: i do not run out of ram to i do use it… (therefore it is )

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Gee - and I thought that gnome-terminal would be the ‘less-efficient’ option - most things gnome are! Not that I ever checked, I am not an artist so there is little I do that strains 16gb!


I use gnome terminal :wink:

My favorite is terminology (part of Enlightenment DE) :wink:

Don’t need color for folders also…b&w is perfect

Just comment out this alias
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
in your ~/.bashrc

Colors are helpful hints for beginners, imo.

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colors can be used useful

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Why not ?