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That’s good to know as i chose an Nvidia this time GTX 1060 with 6 GB memory. My next project i have a ryzen 7 3800x with a Radeon RX590 so well see how that works in comparison. Haven’t gotten around to building it yet. Parts are sitting here waiting. :slightly_smiling_face:


…Can I have your wallet? Just borrow it for a bit? :yum:

I’ll take a look at it :wink:


Adwaita, the theme that only looks good in Gnome, for some reason.

Aargh my eyes

I guess count these as “Before” pictures:

Screenshot from 2020-01-16 19-13-59 Screenshot from 2020-01-16 19-14-02 Screenshot from 2020-01-16 19-21-01

…To paraphrase an old Internet Explorer meme: “Xterm: ‘What is my purpose’ Answer: ‘To download Xfce4-terminal’”


Don’t forget on Cinnamon to go to effects and turn off window effects. Otherwise there are issues with the welcome screen. This fixes it.

→ →

What’s the background image? Looks really nice!

google img search help. :wink:

Requires login. :frowning:



I found it scrolling through the wallpapers subreddit. There’s a lot of great stuff there, just a little hard to sift through.

Managed to find it. I’ll use it for my login screen in the future.

I finally managed to fix the 1080p scaling on my 4K TV. Seems to only work for GNOME Wayland. Screenfetch tells the distro is Antergos, because I never did a fresh install. I pretty sure I did change it to recognise the system as Endeavour in KDE, but doesn’t work any more. It’s only superficial anyway and whatever the distro Linux is still Linux. :smiley:

I’m probably going back to KDE once I move to a new place and won’t use this TV as a display any more, unless I figure a way to use the TV as a display remotely. And I’d actually have to connect my keyboard+touchpad somehow, or use my phone as an input device via wifi. But for now GNOME it is. Works the best as a multimedia DE with occational web browsing and text/sheets editing.



trying to configure…first time when i installed…sugestions??shot-2020-01-17_20-39-02


Oooh! enlightenment, created by the great “Rasterman”, is still an advanced window manager today.

Plus it looks beautiful. :slight_smile:


i like advanced things :grimacing: but i dont know from where to start

I don’t know what you mean, you already have it installed.
You want to personalize it even more, there’s a lot of enlightenment on the internet, my advice, use it as it is.


the effects and color are nice, bu that panel for example is too big

I think, I don’t remember well… mmyou can make the panel save in a smart way, when you go down with the pointer to the bottom edge of the screen, the panel will return and when you go out with the pointer up the panel will disappear.

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