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Thanks…i thought maybe you just came up with that on a dime! :wink:

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I do a vm install checking all DEs and it do not have any issue… It was taking sddm as DM all DEs was working

I do use lightdm for i3 also… In my main machine I do use xfce with i3 replacing default xfce-wm and a similar setup for i3 to have menu and blocks. Reason is that I do like xfce terminal and thunar… and theme settings BT e tc. working nicely by using xfce tools

There are plenty of videos on how git and github work if you want to learn but the thing you need to know if you want to use my dotfiles is the command “git clone”. This will make a copy of the entire thing you see when you click the link and put in a folder called “Dotfiles”.

All you’d have to do then is copy the folders that are under “config” into your already existing “~/.config/” folder on your pc, and put everything that is in the “home” folder into your home directory (the same place that your Downloads and Documetns etc folders live).

Then install the needed programs and you should be able to have the same look! If you don’t like it and want to change back, all you’d need to do is remove the files you copied. Make sure you backup any files that have the same name before replacing them with my version ok

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Looks nice :+1:

Decided on a theme…black pearl (pun intended). It requires gtk-engine-murrine

bp3 bp2 bp1

I am considering moving to i3 wm :pray:




trying to de-ugly…LXQT :neutral_face:


I think he likes it EndeavourOslxqt2
brave browser :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


looking great! fonts are a little big maybe?

no matter because i dont know why i dont like…maybe because i use a lot of xfce :neutral_face:

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That’s beautiful. Makes me waver at my decision to install Cinnamon. Again.

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Same Xfce.
But testing a few things.
New theme, even more minimalistic panel. Still Nemo as file manager.

I am about to reinstall, but can’t decide between Cinnamon and Xfce. So just trying stuff in the meantime.

Screenshot_2020-01-15_20-03-36 Screenshot_2020-01-15_20-03-58


is lxqt :grimacing:

What is keeping you from Cinnamon or should i say making the decision on Xfce or Cinnamon? I use Cinnamon mostly but i like both and use both. Too many computers …i guess!

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Part of it is vanity. And misplaced “optimization”.

I have a high end tower with a 1050 Nvidia card, 16 Gb of RAM and an top notch i5 processor. Yet I feel uncomfortable as soon as I see my DE boot up at > 700 Mb for some reason. I also feel an unnecessary feeling of accomplishment every time I manage to make Xfce look good.

I hear you but you have enough power there so i wouldn’t be that concerned about the ram usage. Ram usage at idle doesn’t really mean much compared to how the overall system works and how much ram it uses when it’s loaded up. As long as it works great it’s use of ram to a point is okay. I have 32 GB and an I7 also so i’m okay with it. My system is overkill on Linux. But on Windows…not so much.

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A little extra color for the winter




I love my computer, but I wish I had known for sure three months ago I would get a full time position at my job; then I would have doubled the budget on it. At least it’s a full size tower so I can put in any graphic card I want, later.

…Anyway, I on purpose only run 1080p, so the tried and trusty 1050 can handle almost any game at full settings at 60fps. More than that I don’t need. I am old and half blind anyway.

I am still debating tho; my main draw to Cinnamon is two-fold:

  1. Better compositor. The Mutter family of compositors (Mutter, Muffin, Gala) are the best ones, by far, to use with proprietary NVIDIA drivers still.
  2. A more customizable panel.