looking back @ Archlabs-minimo
Let us clean this up.
it’s just bspwm with some colors and wallpapers
not hard to set up
yay -S bspwm sxhkd polybar
and the wallpaper are from
I rescued an old (2010-11) Toshiba NB505 atom-based netbook from the throwaway pile at work. It’s got a whopping 1GB of RAM, so I’ve been keeping things ultralight with artix + dwm. I can run several terminals and qutebrowser with a couple tabs open for <500MB, which makes it totally usable in my book.
i post my dark bspwm on ARM ( no fancy just work +fast )
EDit … Keyboard focused
with dkwm you do not patch anything
no special changes on i3, just trying to add my home next to my / in the bar
Back home in the old stomping grounds. It’s still as average and trouble free as I remember it being. I still stand by that if you just need a good solid working computer with very minimal bugs - Cinnamon tops my list. It’s very note worthy in how there’s nothing really noteworthy about it.
Pave, get to work. Keep on working.
Mind sharing the wallpaper link?
Tonight’s fun. Checking out some worm action on the EOS.
You saw it here on EOS first folks. Come one come all (terminal centric intermediate users).
looks great, have fun!
Merry Christmas Rockwallaby and thanks for all of the amazing wallpapers.
i no have original + that MOD i do fast ( very ) no think people use … i clean up little for @s4ndm4n here is link , it little cleaner
" https://github.com/Shjim-Arch/Temp/blob/main/for-s4ndm4n.png "
EDit prob no great on monitor … ok for laptop
Gees, that one looks much much better. Thank you.
Nice and slim. I’ve got 3 programs running and almost a dozen firefox tabs and I’m still at 2200mb of RAM. Hello Endeavour MATE. You can use low resources and still have lots of fun and functionality.
More to come, I’ve agreed to help out officially