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Trying Voyager 11 Debian Bullseye LTS
just for fun
debian is fast and solid but gnome takes a little too much ram

Screenshot from 2021-08-24 17-05-49

Release 24 August 2021


@archlinux That’s a lot of RAM. Are there many things being loaded on Login?


I bet its that Firefox running. These days doesn’t matter how light a desktop is. Soon as you load up a browser with few tabs it sucks everything up compared to what an OS uses.

i have gnome terminal and nautilus and firefox
but is in usb live iso
but firefox I have only open one tab to endeavouros forum site

Yep Firefox, I didn’t spot that. As @QAP mentioned loading up a browser eats up some RAM. It doesn’t really matter which browser. But as long as you have enough RAM it doesn’t really matter. So: Voyager without a browser?

i have the same open firefox (endeavouros forum site) terminal and thunar i dwm but only use 933mb ram
so gnome take lot of ram


Gnome is RAM heavy for sure.

JetBrainsMono Nerd Font wtf? :rofl:

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finished setting up my i3wm bspwm dwm with onedark theme




i will stay with this theme :crazy_face:


i have tried many font for terminal for icons
and I thought it was the best font I could find :upside_down_face:


It looks good. The best I have found is Liberation Mono. Do you have a link for this one? I’m not bothered about icons, just a good looking font. I used to work in the printing industry so fonts are a bit of an obsession for me. I have over 1400 fonts on many of my installs (!).

I am also interested in how to enable icons in a terminal. I haven’t seen that before. I’m not sure it’s necessary but it’s very interesting. Or is that just a file manager in dwm?

ranger file manager

in terminal i use lsd

i found nerd font on

terminal i use are st or alacritty

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Ah ranger, yeah that makes sense. Thanks for the heads-up about Nerd Fonts. Terminals are very much down to personal preferences and what works well in a DE or WM I suppose. Ranger is very nice as is mc. I haven’t tried st or alacritty. There is always new stuff to try out and learn! :grin:

you welcome
but why i use icons in terminal e.g
and for ranger file manager

i dont like to use lsd becomes too much :nerd_face:

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Yeah just looked up lsd, seems too much. K.I.S.S. :laughing:

Back to Plasma, and trying to get it running more smoothly with Nvidia. Seems ok for now, still a few choppy animations here and there, but switching to xRender rather than OpenGL in the Compositor helps a lot.

Left my 2nd monitor out of the shot, as it’s not really got anything other than an empty desktop with no panels on it at all atm.



eos new WP (I think). There was an update today. To whoever created this please say thank you and nice work for me.



This is true even for me - and I’m all intel.

I wish I could stand Plasma, it looks so good…

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you only like ugly desktops? :smiley:

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