Reboot Recommended Message (2 Questions)

I am ashamed that my combination of words “timeout reboot recommended” yielded no fruit in the Forum Search bar because I KNOW I have read the answer many times but did not write it down.

Please forgive me for my search ineptness; usually I’m quite good

OK the questions:

  1. How do I move the Reboot Recommended popup? I dislike the corner it’s in.
  2. All of a sudden the timeout is set to Show Permanentl as it has not ‘popped off’ since last update. Where can I set the timeout to 10s?

I’m in Cinnamon, but they way. Thanks purples.

Look under System Settings → Notifications. There are a couple of toggles for where notifications are displayed, enable/disable removal after the time-out is reached, or what monitor they appear on.

I don’t think there’s a way to move specific notifications.


thank you, I see it. It was set to 4sec. But after I updated this morning it insisted on staying there (I watched it for over a minute) before I lost the stare-down and rebooted…will never know why; an post-install anomaly perhaps. thanks again.

edit: i thought there some .conf where I could shift position but it not no biggy

You need to enable Remove notifications after their timeout is reached as well. Since eos-update-notifier uses notify-send, your options are limited.

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will set that now, graci

The reason the notification never goes away is because it is using notify-send with the “critical” urgency setting. Critical notifications stay up until you click on them.

If you want to change it, you could modify the script in /usr/bin/eos-reboot-required3.


DoNotify() {
    local -r msg="Reboot is recommended due to the upgrade of core system package(s)."
    local icon=/usr/share/icons/Qogir/scalable/apps/system-reboot.svg
    [ -e $icon ] || icon=system-reboot

    local cmd=(
        eos_notification_all           # function to notify all users
        $icon                          # icon
        critical                       # urgency
        0                              # expire time (not used!)
        "'EndeavourOS notification'"   # appname
        "Reboot recommended!"          # title
        "$msg"                         # message
        RED                            # message color on TTY

Wait-for-some-processes() {
    # Wait for all pacman-like processes to finish.

    systemctl disable --now eos-reboot-required.timer
    sleep 1
    source /usr/share/endeavouros/scripts/eos-script-lib-yad --limit-icons || return
    while ps -C pacman,yay,paru,makepkg >/dev/null ; do
        sleep 1

Wait-for-some-processes "$@"

Specifically, change the word “critical” to “normal”, and change the “0” below it to however many milliseconds you want the notification to linger (change it to 10000 for ten seconds, for example). Save the file, then if you would like to test your changes you can run sudo eos-reboot-required3.

It seems some DEs do not honor the expire-time parameter (which seems rude in my opinion, but what do I know).

-t, –expire-time=TIME

The duration, in milliseconds, for the notification to appear on screen.

Not all implementations use this parameter. GNOME Shell and Notify OSD always ignore it, while Plasma ignores it for notifications with the critical urgency level.

I’m not sure if Cinnamon plays by the rules or not; you’ll have to give it a shot and let us know how it goes.

By the way, your changes to this file may be overwritten when the package that owns the script (eos-bash-shared) gets updated. I’m not sure how often that happens, but something to bear in mind I suppose. You could always just make a backup of your custom script and copy it back over if that happens I guess, or if you want to get real hacky with it you could whip up a Pacman hook that copies over your custom script every time eos-bash-shared gets updated…although most likely that would be a bit much.

I’m kind of making this reply inappropriately lengthy now, but one more thing to mention is you can actually disable the reboot notifications altogether if you want by changing EOS_REBOOT_RECOMMENDING=yes to no in /etc/eos-script-lib-yad.conf.

wowsers love the detail.

ok sudo xed /usr/bin/eos-reboot-required3 then changed critical to normal and 30000 (30 seconds but I might hate that).

test script: sudo eos-reboot-required3 results in success kind of. Instead of 30 seconds it stayed on about 3 seconds.
So is that Cinnamon not honoring not honoring expire-time? I don’t know.

omitting a 0 in my haste is getting realer as I go on my 12th hour of work from home today…

my biggest fear is always the update erasures which is probably what happened to Cinnamon today.

See what happens next core update reboot. I really appreciate background and context so I don’t find this inappropriately lengthy – i process much better verbally/reading than visually.
thank you.
PS–unrelated: you merged the MEMES thread with the JOKES thread today. That was either efficient or inspired but definitely interesting. I mean it’s all a smile or a laugh. edit-typo

:sweat_smile: Wait, so is it working now with 30000?

I moved a joke from Share Your Linux Memes to A little joke on a regular day (because the joke was not Linux-related), maybe that is what you are referring to? They are not merged, they are still two separate topics. :smiley:

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It is possible to configure eos-update-notifier with settings in file
Look for string Timeout near the end of the file.

For what it is worth, eos-update-notifier is not really needed because there are updates many times every day; a simple command line check is enough. eos-update-notifier might be of use to EndeavourOS beginners that don’t know how to update the system.
Now that EndeavourOS has the online install mode, the system is already up to date right after install, and newbies can easily update the system using e.g. the Welcome app.

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Maybe it uses the time from the notifications settings when on “normal”.

edit : try this command :

notify-send -i /usr/share/pixmaps/endeavouros-icon.png " Timeout test "
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They are not trying to configure eos-update-notifier in any way (I’m not sure if they even use that app). Rather, they are trying to configure the notification which suggests a reboot after certain core applications are upgraded.

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that lasted about 4 seconds. interesting.

Maybe. That rabbit hole of trial and error can wait!

yeah, 4 seconds. I would like more but you know what? I always watch the install. habit. most of the time near the end when it says in the install output “notify user of reboot” it notifies me of reboot.
Anytime I see core or kernel components I know I have to reboot.
So 3-4 seconds I can live with:)
I did check, I put in 30000 so Cinnamon then.

Was wondering why it wouldn’t stop displaying but that is fixed now (thanks all).

will try for kicks later thank you. I made that disappear after install and don’t use it. but if it buys me another 5 seconds I’ll consider it.

this Solved but I won’t pick anyone–a group effort made this happen. I thank you all for your help.
Status: I may be bound to Cinnamon’s rules or I may not. See you next kernel install :wink: !

Thanks, you’re right, got carried away by above mentions about eos-update-notifier.

Like @BluishHumility explained above, there are some ways to configure and/or tinker the reboot notification feature.
Note that file eos-reboot-required3 may be changed by an update to it. But if you wish to have some (small :wink:) configuration support for it, please let me know.

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You can use a command like this for example :

checkupdates | awk '/ucode/ || /linux/ || /amdgpu/ || /mesa/ || /systemd/ || /wayland/ || /xf86-video/ || /xorg/ { print "***  REBOOT RECOMMENDED  ***"; exit }'

in a script or as an alias.

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