Random question: How often do you update your packages?

Not a problem here :grin: That’s why I have a bunch of alternate distros ready to go - just switch over and DON’T update on the one you go to!

Actually, problems are so rare, it hardly affects my decision tree at all - amazing when you think about it!


By using timeshift you are pretty much immune to any breakages that result from updating. Just restore a snapshot, do your work, and when you have time to troubleshoot, update.

But yes, issues due to updates are very rare, maybe once a year or so, unless you’re really unlucky. This is a small price to pay for having a performant system with always fresh software, in my opinion.


The same is true for me. I have never seen such a clever little application at any other distro. After being notified of available updates, I usually feel free to start a package update. After one year of using the EOS, I haven’t seen an upgrade error yet.

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If I want to use a GUI tool for applying the updates, I have come to appreciate gnome-packagekit recently. It is amazingly fast, especially compared to pamac.


I get emails about changes in the repos and I update as soon as there’s a new package available. That’s just how I roll.

Head those breaks off at the pass. :cowboy_hat_face:

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I tend to roll in a similar way. :slight_smile:

I would recommend avoiding using any packagekit frontend for repo packages on any Arch-based distro. Gnome Software, Discover, etc, etc

The reason is that packagekit doesn’t allow any manual intervention by design. This can cause issues when something that comes up during an update that needs a human to make a decision. Also, there is no packagekit backend for AUR so if you are using AUR packages they won’t get updated.


Thanks for the heads-up!

One thing which is a bit odd that I noticed with gnome-packagekit is that it doesn’t ask for password either when updating. And about AUR packages, of course you are right.

Everyday for over 15 years


For a rolling release distribution, this tactic is normal. This is exactly why someone uses such an edition.

And that’s because Gnome is pretty simplistic these days.

In this case, it isn’t gnome but a limitation of packagekit itself.

I can confirm what you have written above.


Every hour that the machine is on.

I always check once a day, before installing anything new, and or when notified there are updates available.

I don’t mind constantly upgrading, to keep my system up to date.

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Constantly … always … all the time … can’t stop! I need help. :rofl: I have rollling fever! I’m getting the Arch bends. Been down here too long! I don’t think about it … I just Endeavour.


That could be called rolling addiction

One of the best addictions there is! :wink:

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I think I’m getting tremors waiting for the latest ISO! :laughing:

Please, calm down… think about your blood pressure and stuff… :joy:


There’s a therapy thread for that :rofl:

Well, technically for forum, but let’s get real… :joy: