Plasma 6 Update some hints

From @joekamprad

  1. Autologin and Wayland:
    in case you are using autologin feature your Plasma Session will “change” to wayland (new default)
    file to edit is /etc/sddm.conf with the autologin settings… and it has plasma set as session:


    change that to Session=plasmax11 and after reboot it should start X11 session again.

  2. Package changes:
    Arch done a great job resolving all the package changes it can be you will have some unwanted unneeded dependencies/leftovers. There is no magic command to resolve this, but you can check with:
    pacman -Qtdq this outputs leftovers, but is not 100% so do not go remove the finds without checking what will get actually removed. You can combine with
    sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)
    what will remove the finds after showing if you proceed.
    → hint Plasma 6 Update some hints - #12 by keybreak
    But !! check what it will remove… also see here:

    really be careful with removing orphans! :vulcan_salute:

    really means do NOT proceed with it if you are not sure! Better ask here

    you can also use eos-packagelist to make sure you have all the EndeavourOS kde packages (as it will get installed from ISO on fresh install) eos-packagelist --install KDE-Desktop

  3. Settings and Customizations:
    In case you are using some customizations for the Desktop and you see something is not working anymore, keep in mind that it could be configs not working or changes made it partly malfunction.
    Depending on what it is, you can reset / remove the related configs. Or even start your Desktop setup from scratch (removing all plasma configs manually, or create a new clean user). If you have no clue how to do this simple ask as always.

  4. Nvidia … … …
    Be aware and in case session is wonky change to X11 session.
    The issue here is what you find on point 1. Session is using plasma what is now Wayland (new default) in case you are using auto-login you have to follow the instructions in 1. And edit /etc/sddm.conf manually, If no auto-login you can log out and change session to X11 there (bottom left).

From @Stagger_Lee

  • 3rd-party SDDM themes are not going to work. Change your SDDM theme to Breeze before you update.

  • Most, if not all, 3rd-party Global Themes are going to be broken. If you use a custom Global Theme, change it to Breeze before you update. (You can get them working with a little effort, but that’s a whole other topic.)

  • 3rd-party widgets are going to stop working. So far, only a few have been ported to Plasma 6. If you have installed widgets from the KDE Store/Pling, don’t be surprised when you find them not working.

  • 3rd-party or customized Plasma Styles, Window Decorations, Icons, and Colors should still work.

This is a wiki article - feel free to add interesting or helpful points. Some will be added to the main post, but others can be found in the replies so please scroll through.

TIP: You can use Ctrl+F/Cmd+F “in this topic” to search for specific hints/suggestions.

We are working on releasing a new ISO asap stay tuned :enos:
And indeed current ISO is HotFixed for online KDE plasma6 installs already (as long as your country is not blocking GitHub/GitLab) [omit offline installs for now, if you have to do offline go to resolve package leftovers as i mentioned in Point 2. up there]



Does not work.
I use autologin and my session starts in wayland after updating.
My /etc/sddm.conf.d/kde_settings.conf looks like this:


I also double check I am using sddm

yes others reporting the same, we need to figure out what is the cause :pensive:
only workaround for now is to disable autologin. Or try out lightdm p.e.

But anyway welcome here @daowanijo :enos:

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A few tips:

3rd-party SDDM themes are not going to work. Change your SDDM theme to Breeze before you update.

Most, if not all, 3rd-party Global Themes are going to be broken. If you use a custom Global Theme, change it to Breeze before you update. (You can get them working with a little effort, but that’s a whole other topic.)

3rd-party widgets are going to stop working. So far, only a few have been ported to Plasma 6. If you have installed widgets from the KDE Store/Pling, don’t be surprised when you find them not working.

3rd-party or customized Plasma Styles, Window Decorations, Icons, and Colors should still work.


i found the culprit… there is also a /etc/sddm.conf with the autologin settings… and it has plasma set as session…



thank`s for the additions!

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Before updating it was useful for me to run this command to reset all the settings and customizations…

cd ~/.config && for j in plasma*; do mv -- "$j" "${j%}.plasmabak"; done

So the idea here is to create a backup first, then reset to default settings and have the same experience a fresh plasma install would give, right?

This would theoretically eliminate issues caused by already having a configured system. Am I right here?


Some tips and tricks

EDIT - Just notice he seems to have only managed to record the audio

I did just as you say.
I deleted all customizations, set breeze as the global theme and only then updated to plasma 6.


Fix for 3rd-party SDDM themes

I’m using sugar-dark SDDM theme and encountered errors similar to this:


Installed qt5‑graphicaleffects qt5‑quickcontrols2 qt5‑svg and the errors are gone, SDDM working fine with theme again.


-Rc can be very dangerous and likely will remove a lot of stuff that you need.
Use -Rns instead, it’s safer.


I can not confirm this.
I was using Where is my SDDM theme? before the the update and everything went fine.

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That’s great.

People should not expect that outcome, though.


Some work and some don’t, this was actually one of the settings I forgot to change and mine also worked however when I went to use another one it was broken so I would still advise people to revert to breeze before updating or expect it not to work


Would it be safe to just remove all the packages in the kf5 group once on Plasma 6? This would save some time cleaning up the redundancies.

I think you should check manually anyway. The reason is that some app may still rely on packages of the kf5 group.

For instance, I have two machines with KDE plasma, on one of them, when I run pacman -Qg, I see only one package left in the kf5 group: solid5, that is not required by any packages, so I can remove it.
But on the other plasma machine, I still have a bunch of kf5 packages because they are dependencies of two KDE apps that are not yet ported to Plasma 6: kstars and kolourpaint.


I don’t agree with that. -Rs has removed more packages I wanted to keep than -Rc ever has.

Further, -Rc is basically what the default for removal does for every package manager that isn’t pacman.

Also, when removing orphans, pacman -Rc is the same as pacman -R. If it wasn’t, they wouldn’t be orphans. :sweat_smile:


Doesn’t it depend on how a package was installed? I’m not sure if -Rc will remove manually installed packages that depend on other I remove this way. At least a single s in -Rs will only remove unnesseary dependencies (-Rss removes explicit installed dependencies too).

-Rc and -Rs do completely different things. They aren’t alternatives for each other.

The problem with -Rs is that it removes optional dependencies of other packages.