Nintendo is killing FOSS emulators

GitLab is superior to GitHub in every way. However, the official GitLab site is susceptible to DMCA takedowns. However, GitLab (unlike GitHub) is FOSS, so you can run your local instance of GitLab. That’s obviously the best solution.

That depends on the repo.


Gotcha. Yeah, I just hate websites that force me to sign in. Grinds my gears.

What can I say? I’m not a developer. I plead ignorance when I must :grin:

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Well…you knew it was Microsoft, it should be more than enough to run away as far as you can :rofl:

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They “promised” not to change anything when they bought it, and I don’t use it how it’s meant to be used, so I wouldn’t know if there was anything the community frowned on or not. I’m just a leecher :slight_smile:

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Oh they’ve promised?
trust-me-bro or was it pinky-promise? :rofl:

The real crime is the original owners selling it to Microsoft. Literal definition of sellouts.

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Okay, the name is just too funny. ‘Suyu’… Oh, Nintendo will ‘Sue you’ alright.


Apparently they self-host git repo with forgejo (FOSS MIT License, pretty cool!).

I highly recommend to scroll down and press DMCA link (bottom-right).

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Brilliant! :rofl:

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Pinned message in the Suyu discord :thinking:


If it is troll - i’m even more disgraced by immediate reaction of GitLab to that horseshit, even if it were “legit” (which like i’ve said before - never were trigger-happy before, unlike GitHub).

Agreed. A knee-jerk reaction like that is making Microsoft look good.

I suppose it’s good news, though. Looking forward to it coming back online.

No, it isn’t.


Nintendo is such an idiotic company. They would make billions if they just would release old games on eShop. They won’t. Yet they don’t like when people do play the old games on emulators. Even if they own those games.

I will never buy anything from Nintendo again and will keep playing Switch games on Yuzu/SueYou.

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They did that though to some degree with the old Virtual Console thingy, didn’t they?

Can you list some examples, besides Microsoft not owning them which is admittedly a pretty big plus?

Same. I will never pay those suckers a penny for the exact reasons you laid out.

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I hate Microsoft as much as anyone else in this community does. Heck, I got rid of every product and service of theirs you can think of… But I still somehow believe this DMCA would’ve been handled different at GitHub. I don’t know for sure but just my speculation.

GitLab fumbled this one real bad.

Incoming facepalm emojis :sweat_smile: