GitLab is superior to GitHub in every way. However, the official GitLab site is susceptible to DMCA takedowns. However, GitLab (unlike GitHub) is FOSS, so you can run your local instance of GitLab. That’s obviously the best solution.
They “promised” not to change anything when they bought it, and I don’t use it how it’s meant to be used, so I wouldn’t know if there was anything the community frowned on or not. I’m just a leecher
If it is troll - i’m even more disgraced by immediate reaction of GitLab to that horseshit, even if it were “legit” (which like i’ve said before - never were trigger-happy before, unlike GitHub).
Nintendo is such an idiotic company. They would make billions if they just would release old games on eShop. They won’t. Yet they don’t like when people do play the old games on emulators. Even if they own those games.
I will never buy anything from Nintendo again and will keep playing Switch games on Yuzu/SueYou.
I hate Microsoft as much as anyone else in this community does. Heck, I got rid of every product and service of theirs you can think of… But I still somehow believe this DMCA would’ve been handled different at GitHub. I don’t know for sure but just my speculation.