Since the grub boot issue I have discovered my boot has become unbearable slow (again):
Startup finished in 5.493s (firmware) + 1min 22.731s (loader) + 2.511s (kernel) + 8.851s (userspace) = 1min 39.587s reached after 8.586s in userspace.
I have a full disk encryption with LUKS and use brtfs.
I’m aware of the other topis about this topic and the fact that early boot will not have the hardware acceleration as when using the live system. Previously I had changed the iter count to something like 200 000 which proofed to be usable.
I’ve since changed the iter count to a very low value (10 000) as a test.
When currently booting and entering the passphrase it takes only a second to get the message “Slot 0 opened”. After this the system just waits/hangs for over a minute before showing grub and continuing a normal fast boot process.
For me this indicates that the decrypting goes fast. But I have no idea what takes so much time?!
Further info:
➜ ~ lsblk
nvme0n1 259:0 0 931.5G 0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 512M 0 part /boot/efi
└─nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 931G 0 part
└─luks-edc44bc0-2f50-4c32-b33b-dbb1586cf37c 254:0 0 931G 0 crypt /var/lib/docker/btrfs
➜ ~ sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/nvme0n1p2
LUKS header information for /dev/nvme0n1p2
Version: 1
Cipher name: aes
Cipher mode: xts-plain64
Hash spec: sha256
Payload offset: 4096
MK bits: 512
MK digest: 3c 6b c2 72 ab a0 77 ef ff dd fd 8f 06 c8 d0 8e 62 17 29 04
MK salt: 85 96 2b 33 3a 44 bd 51 36 0e b1 32 38 fb a0 bb
fc 66 54 0d ce 28 fa ef e4 1b ec e6 77 b4 6b 1a
MK iterations: 316599
UUID: edc44bc0-2f50-4c32-b33b-dbb1586cf37c
Key Slot 0: DISABLED
Key Slot 1: ENABLED
Iterations: 10000
Salt: ae c3 cc 5a 1b 87 0c e6 eb 7f 97 07 76 6a 95 ab
84 6b 2f 43 09 31 70 1a ab 19 ae 2a 53 fe 98 10
Key material offset: 512
AF stripes: 4000
Key Slot 2: ENABLED
Iterations: 10000
Salt: 4f 95 3c 21 a8 96 b8 b6 2d 63 b3 a3 28 de fc c0
10 0b 93 51 1c f5 26 42 af e8 39 1e 44 17 36 73
Key material offset: 1016
AF stripes: 4000
Key Slot 3: DISABLED
Key Slot 4: DISABLED
Key Slot 5: DISABLED
Key Slot 6: DISABLED
Key Slot 7: DISABLED
I hope someone will understand why there is such a huge wait between opening slot0 at boot and grub :).
Would you happen to have a link to the why for this?
I’m not sure how to just test this grub version from testing, without committing to the full testing repo’s (is that even possible?). Or I should just accept this until this version comes into the normal repo’s and hope it will fix itself .
I’ve tried this + a grub-install but sadly it did not make any difference. Looks like it should though, so maybe still user error somewhere (it’s definitely not my main area of expertise!) :).
Thanks for the links tot the issues! It seems that I’m experiencing a very similar regression so that’s hopeful.
Edit: it does look that the issue is describing issues after reaching the grub menu? For me the slowdown is between opening slot0 and reaching grub menu. Hmm.
I’m aware my /boot is also encrypted. In the past it was never such a big issue when booting. Only opening the ‘slot’ took a bit longer, but afterwards I got to grub menu very quickly. Now it takes ages after opening the slot before reaching the grub menu. Especially with the low iterations it seems something is off.
Having same issue on 3 separate (one older pc, one newer pc, and a newer laptop) machines since grub stuff happened a couple weeks ago. Machines have had EndevourOS for at least a year (one for 2+years)
Does this sound like a waiting game? What’s boggling me is that on 2 of my machines I have a hard drive light, and from the moment it says “slot 0 opened” until I get to a logon prompt (as long as minutes in some cases) the hard drive appears to be going full blast
This is fine and good, but the issue is that everything was fine and booting great (for years) with it all configured as is and using grub, then the grub thing happened and booting is so slow. So I’m just trying to understand what changed, and why?
/tmp uses the RAM based filesystem tmpfs by default, temporary data is not stored in any hard disk, but it is in RAM that will erase data when PC is turned off without power.
/var/cache is mostly used for apps because of better performance in general, but it is rarely a small part of your private cache data. But a large part of the private cache data is stored in $HOME/.cache/
Yes, for example /var/lib/docker and any databases etc…, they would be moved manually to home partition or other encryption partition and mounted with their same places in the root partition.
It is pretty common for a laptop to be stolen while it does have power…
Each individual needs to decide for themselves which risk scenarios they do and don’t care about.
My more general point was that encrypting /home ins’t a solution for someone who wants full disk encryption. It is an alternative solution for someone who doesn’t require FDE.